A Distance Learning Pedagogical Management Model based on Affinity Networks





Distance learning, technological profile, affinity, social networks, virtual learning environment


Using affinity networks as its basis, this study proposes a management model of distance learning (DL) professional training courses as a space conducive to knowledge diffusion, on the basis of the technological profile of course participants. The proposed model uses individual metrics of each actor in the network, the technological profile (TP) of the participants and a diagram of activities used for the actions taken during the pedagogical management of a distance learning course. This is an instrumental case study whose research method is strongly influenced by netnography. The data were collected from participants in two editions of a Brazilian support programme for municipal education leaders. The proposed model defines collective and individual management strategies and contributes to the management of education focusing on the success of the learning process in a virtual learning environment by incorporating the TP of subjects involved in distance learning courses.


Author Biographies

Tereza Kelly Gomes Carneiro, Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas (Brasil)

Tereza has a bachelor's degree in Pedagogy from the Batista Brasileira Faculty (2011), a degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Alagoas (1997), a Master's degree in Development and Environment from the Federal University of Alagoas (2005) and a Doctorate in Knowledge Diffusion (2014) from the Federal University of Bahia. She is a researcher in the areas of distance education, teacher training, information technology and communication, mediation and pedagogical management of courses. She has experience with management and construction of distance learning systems, production of didactic material, preparation of courses and professional education. She is also the leader of the Research Group Technologies Applied to Education and Health - Ticase and member of the Board of Evaluation and Advising in Science, Technology and Innovation of the Research Foundation of the State of Alagoas, acting in the multidisciplinary area of knowledge.

Renata Souza Freitas Dantas Barreto, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC (Brazil)

Renata is a Master student in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology (PPGMCTI) on Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC (2016-Present). Sutudies lato sensu post-graduation in Neuropsychology in Education by the Ocidenmte Institute of Higher Education (2015-current). She is graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Bahia, graduated in Physical Education by the Metropolitan Union of Education and Culture (2011). She has experience in the area of Education, Network Theory, Human Development and Capoeira of Self-knowledge.

Roberto Luiz Souza Monteiro, Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC (Brazil)

Roberto has a postdoctoral degree in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology from the Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC (2012), a PhD in Knowledge Difusion by the Federal University of Bahia (2012), a master's degree in Computational Modeling from Visconde de Cairu Foundation (2005) and a Bachelor's Degree in Administration by the State University of Bahia (1997). He is currently a professor at the State University of Bahia and Centro Universitário SENAI CIMATEC. He has experience in Informatics and Society, with emphasis in Applied Social Sciences, Computer Science, with emphasis on Formal Language and Automaton and Computational Modeling with emphasis on Complex Systems, working mainly in the following subjects: compilers design, embedded systems, analysis of complex social networks and artificial intelligence.

Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira, Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB. Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI - CIMATEC (Brazil)

Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira completed his doctorate in Multimedia Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2002. He is currently Full Professor at the Department of Education at the State University of Bahia and Associate Professor at the SENAI ClMATEC. He lectures in the Graduate Program in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology and, also, in the Graduate Program in Knowledge Diffusion. He serves as an ad-hoc consultant to the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Professor Pereira main interests in the fields of science, information technology and innovation lie in the areas of social and complex networks, diffusion of knowledge, software engineering and human computer interaction, through computer modeling techniques.




How to Cite

Carneiro, T. K. G., Freitas Dantas Barreto, R. S., Souza Monteiro, R. L., & Borges de Barros Pereira, H. (2018). A Distance Learning Pedagogical Management Model based on Affinity Networks. Obra Digital, (14), 13–33. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2017.146.14

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