Fencing on Instagram:

Examining self-presentation as branding strategies of professional fencers





Sport communication, social media studies, Instagram, Athletes branding, fencing


Instagram has impacted how athletes present themselves and communicate with their audiences without the need for mass media mediators, such as journalists. Hence, this study explores the opportunities for professional fencers to develop self-presentation and communication strategies on the platform. The methodological approach is based on netnography and content analysis, evaluating the top 10 fencers accounts (FIE). The findings point out how these athletes build their brand by increasing fan engagement and interaction through sharing training videos, competition photos, and personal stories, while also collaborating with sponsors and brands to open up business opportunities and revenue streams.

Author Biographies

Admilson Veloso da Silva, Corvinus University of Budapest

Admilson Veloso da Silva is a Brazilian Journalist with a MA in Social Communication and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Communication Science at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary. He also lectures at the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences at the same university. His main research areas are social media studies, Instagram, visual mobile communication, and online self-presentation.

Yiming, Corvinus University of Budapest

Tao Yiming has a Bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Science from the Corvinus University of Budapest and is passionate about fencing and sport communication. He dedicated part of his life to the professional practice of fencing and now aligns it as a hobby with the study of how athletes can use branding to improve the sport's image.


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How to Cite

Veloso da Silva, A., & Yiming, T. (2023). Fencing on Instagram: : Examining self-presentation as branding strategies of professional fencers . Obra Digital, (24), 51–71. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2023.384.24