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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Compliance with the code of ethics. Obra digital is an international journal of excellence is inspired by the ethical code of publications prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
  • The ORCID iD of all authors must be included following the scheme, e.g.
  • The author has followed the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in the APA style 7th edition (American Psychological Association).
  • The contribution is original, unpublished and not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise the author must explain in "Comments to the editor."


  • Authors have not published articles in the last 2 issues.
  • The article should follow a scientific structure: Introduction + Methodology+Results+Discussion and Conclusions+Bibliography.
  • All submissions should follow the journal guidelines (Author Guidelines).
  • All authors will complete their profile in the journal platform including:
    Institution, ORCID id (URL required), short bio about 100 words, country, email, authors' main lines of research.
  • The author has used the Obra Digital template
  • With the submission, the author accepts the privacy policy and the copyright of Obra Digital.
  • Entering the submission's metadata, in other words, authors will complete their submission in the journal platform including: title of the paper, abstract, keywords, authors and references into the metadata form.

Author Guidelines



Obra Digital is published twice a year, with 2 main sections of articles and a complementary section:

1) Monographic: pre-planned, with public call for papers through the call for papers.

2) Miscellaneous: varied contributions within the general theme of the publication.

3) Reports, studies and proposals, doctoral thesis results, as well as state-of-the-art articles can also be submitted. Curated scientific reviews and interviews are also welcome.


Original language submissions are accepted in English or Spanish. All articles published in the original Spanish language will be translated by the journal into English for publication in English.

Contributions and presentation of original papers

-The contribution is original, unpublished and not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
-Articles should be at least 4,000 words long and at most 7,000 words.
- The article should follow a scientific structure: Introduction + Methodology+Results+Discussion and Conclusions+Bibliography.

Manuscripts must be sent exclusively through OJS 3 (Open Journal System). The author should use the Obra Digital template (Microsoft Word)The file has to be made anonymous in the File Properties so the author's identification is not possible.

Articles must be set out as follows:
- Title in English in lower case, in roman and bold type.
-Title in Spanish in lower case, italics and normal type.
- Abstract in English (100 words), in roman type. 
- Abstract in Spanish (translation of the abstract in Spanish) in roman type. 
- Key words (5-6 words) in English separated by commas in roman type. 
- Key words (5-6 words) in Spanish separated by commas in roman type.
- Text of the article.

1. Introduction: This section must reflect the foundations and purpose of the study, using the most relevant citations (national and international).
2. Material and methods: Information necessary for the reader to understand and confirm the development of the research. If required, the sample and sampling methods should be described, and reference made to the type of statistical analysis employed. If the methodology is original, reasons must be provided to justify this usage and its possible limitations described.
3. Results: The most important observations should be highlighted, describing findings made with the material and methods used but without interpreting them or making value judgements. Essential tables and figures in a logical sequence in the text.
4. Discussion and conclusion: This section should summarize the findings, relating the observations made in this respect with other relevant studies, specifying contributions and limitations, without reiterating data discussed previously in other sections. Inferences from the findings should be mentioned along with their constraints, including deductions for future research, and the conclusions should be linked with the study aims, avoiding gratuitous statements and conclusions not supported fully by the research data.

The Council Science Editors suggests authors to provide a financial support statement for the research project.

To cite works of others, APA Style 7th Edition (APA Style). This handout is based on the 7 th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Search article DOI .

Notes must not include bibliographic citations, these should be included in the references.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines


Obra Digital confirms the receipt of all articles submitted by the authors and keeps them informed by e-mail and on the platform of the admission/dismissal and acceptance/rejection process, as well as the editing process, in the event of acceptance. About 30 days from the manuscript’s receipt date, the authors will be sent official notification of reception and whether the document has passed the preliminary stage of acceptance for assessment by our reviewers. In case the manuscript presents format deficiencies or is not included in the thematic focus of the publication, the Editorial Board will dismiss the manuscript, without a re-submission option. No subsequent correspondence with authors of dismissed manuscripts will be maintained. If the manuscript’s deficiencies are minimum, it will be returned to the author for correction before the assessment process begins. The official admission date of the manuscript is the date when this corrected version is received. Manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by 2-3 experts in the field. In view of these external evaluations a decision will be made as to whether to accept or reject the articles for publication. Papers that are evaluated positively, requiring modifications will be returned within 14 days at the latest.

The authors of accepted articles will receive the printing proofs for correction by e-mail in PDF format before final publication. The proofread, corrected versions must be returned within 72h of their receipt. Only very minor corrections can be made regarding the content of the previously evaluated original manuscript.

Each paper presented is identified with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System).

Peer Review process.

Peer Review Process PDF (English)


See in the Announcements section the active calls for papers for the Monographic section.


Permanent open call to the Miscellaneous section.


Make a submission to the supplementary section (reports, studies and proposals, results of doctoral theses, literature reviews, reviews and curated scientific interviews).

Proposal for a Monographic section

OBRA DIGITAL welcomes contributions from teachers, researchers and academics.

The proposed Monograph must be coordinated by between one and three people who are experts in the subject in question, assuming the following coordination functions:

1. To write the presentation of the monograph (1000 words), justifying its relevance, pointing out its structure (table of contents) and authors' prominence.2. Proposing seven or more articles by authors who are experts in the subject (the monograph may not have fewer than seven articles).
3. Propose a minimum of eight qualified external reviewers for the monograph. An expert with a doctoral degree or who is a specialist in the topic in question is expected to collaborate in the evaluation of the articles proposed in the monograph.
4. To ensure that the authors send the contents of the monograph within the established deadline, in accordance with the Journal's Guidelines for the Submission of Originals.
5. To select, together with the editorial team, the articles that will definitively make up the Monograph, in view of the positive evaluations issued in the evaluation of these originals by the expert peer reviewers.
6. The coordinator(s) will be able to sign one of the proposed articles.

- Selection of proposals.

The Editorial Team, together with other members of the Scientific Committee, will form the committee that will evaluate the proposals received according to the following criteria:

*Relevance of the proposal, pertinence, topicality, novelty and adjustment to the objectives of the journal,
*Potential impact of the articles,
*Institutional and international diversity of the authors of the articles.

In the event that there is more than one outstanding proposal at the same time, one of them will be chosen for the immediate issue and the other for successive issues.

- Peer review and selection of articles.

For the publication of the articles that will make up the Monograph, the following conditions must be met:

1. The articles will fully comply with the rules for publication of OBRA DIGITAL described at:
2. Once the journal's requirements have been met, the articles will undergo external peer review, in accordance with the journal's protocols.
3. Articles evaluated negatively will not be published, unless the author/s have been invited by the coordinator of the monograph. The journal will communicate the acceptance or rejection of the articles to the authors and co-coordinators.
4. The journal's OJS system must be used at all times during the process.
5. The same author may not sign more than one article, except in the case of the author who coordinates the monograph, who presents it and may sign one article.

The journal will not issue a certificate of acceptance of articles. The publication of the article is proof of acceptance.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal, and not be made available for other purposes or facilitated to third parties. For more information, see the Privacy Policy.