
  • Innovations in Narrative and Media: Transmedia, Interactions and Culture
    No. 25 (2024)

    The monographic section of this issue, edited by Dr. Joan Rodriguez-Amat (Sheffield Hallam University), focuses on the analysis of narrative in cultural industries with an emphasis on the platformization of cultural production (Nieborg & Poell, 2018), digital platforms, stories, and the role of the main actors in the narrative process. It addresses various themes such as the impact of the platformization of cultural production on creativity and narratives, as well as the role and narrative models that figures like YouTubers, Instagrammers, Twitchers, and TikTokers are adopting for new audiences, formats, and environments, among others.

    In the miscellaneous section, topics such as the political commitment in Francesco Rosi's films, the effectiveness of educational series like "Merlí" in engaging young audiences, the dissemination of scientific knowledge through institutional communication practices, and the alignment between public and media agendas in Ecuadorian media are analyzed. Additionally, the results of a Doctoral thesis on how gender discrimination affects female journalists despite technological advances in digital platforms and media are presented.


    Nieborg, D. B., & Poell, T. (2018). The platformization of cultural production: Theorizing the
    contingent cultural commodity. New Media & Society, 20(11), 4275-4292 .  
  • 'Sports communication, beyond sports journalism'
    No. 24 (2023)

    The monographic section of this number (Ed. Gema Lobillo Mora, Universidad de Málaga), address how beyond sports journalism, sports communication is becoming increasingly important. The way of communicating has changed. It is no longer only journalists in traditional media who communicate (Rojas Torrijos, 2020), but there are many broadcasters who make up the media ecosystem. In addition to journalists (Manfredi Sánchez et al., 2015), athletes (Cano and Paniagua, 2017; Marín, 2010), fans (Rojas Torrijos and García Cepero, 2020; Lobillo and Martín, 2020), clubs (Ginesta et al, 2011; Lobillo and Guevara, 2018; Olabe, 2009), administrations (Koljonen, 2013; Ginesta, 2011), etc. Furthermore, the way of communicating has evolved drastically, thanks to new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile applications, etc.). New sports such as eSports have burst onto the scene, which have changed the world of sport and with them academic studies (Zhong et al., 2022).

    Sports entities are also communicating in new ways through specific policies, which are directly linked to marketing strategies, brand image or corporate social responsibility (Olabe, 2012; Lobillo et al., 2021; López-Martínez and Fernández-Fernández, 2015).

    This monograph compiles the current research on sports communication and marketing, ranging from sports journalism, organizational communication strategies, the use of traditional (Facebook, Twitter, etc) or novel (Twich, TikTok, etc) social networks to analyses of the main issuers of communication and the instruments they use to reach their audiences.

    Bibliographical references:

    Cano-Tenorio, R. y Paniagua-Rojano, F. J. (2017). El uso de Twitter por parte de los futbolistas profesionales. Contenidos y relaciones con los públicos/The use of Twitter by the professional football players. Contents and relations with the publics relations. Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas7(13), 101-122.

    Ginesta Portet, X. (2011). El fútbol y el negocio del entretenimiento global. Los clubes como multinacionales del ocio.

    Ginesta, X., Gómez, M., y Serrat, J. (2011). Observatorio BARÇA 2010. La campaña a la presidencia del FC Barcelona en la prensa deportiva y las redes sociales. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional de Comunicación, (20), 197-215.

    Koljonen, S. (2013). Values and marketing communication with fragmented markets: Case study in the UEFA Euro Cup 2012.

    Lobillo-Mora, G., Ginesta, X., & de San Eugenio Vela, J. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility and Football Clubs: The Value of Environmental Sustainability as a Basis for the Rebranding of Real Betis Balompié in Spain. Sustainability ca13(24), 13689. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

    Lobillo-Mora, G. y Guevara, A. J. (2018). Desarrollo comunicacional en los clubes de fútbol españoles. Estudio del Caso: Sevilla FC. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (Riccafd) 7(1). Pp.34- 46 ISSN: 2255-0461

    Lobillo-Mora, G. y Martín-Márquez, P. (2020). Análisis del tratamiento de la prensa malagueña de la afición de fútbol. Estudio del caso del Frente Bokerón como grupo ultra. En A. De Vicente y N. Abuín Yences. La comunicación especializada del siglo XXI. McGrawHill. ISBN 978-84-486-2434-7, págs. 621-639

    López-Martínez, R., y Fernández-Fernández, J. L. (2015). Responsabilidad Social Corporativa y Buen Gobierno en los clubes de fútbol españoles. Universia Business Review, (46), 38-53.

    Manfredi Sánchez, J. L., Herranz de la Casa, J. M., & Rojas Torrijos, J. L. (2015). Periodismo emprendedor: el periodismo deportivo en España.

    Marín Montín, J. (2010). Valores mediáticos del deportista profesional en la publicidad: análisis comparativo entre Rafa Nadal y Gemma Mengual. Comunicación: revista Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Estudios Culturales, 1 (8), 26-40.

    Olabe- Sánchez, F. (2009). La comunicación no convencional en los clubes de fútbol/Non conventional communication in the football clubs. Pensar la publicidad3(1), 121.

    Olabe- Sánchez (2012). La RSC como factor de reputación en los clubes de fútbol profesionales. aDResearch ESIC International Journal of Communication Research6(6), 144-157.

    Rojas-Torrijos, J. L. (2020). Las crónicas deportivas de diarios de referencia como herramienta para la enseñanza práctica del idioma y de la redacción periodística. Innovación Docente e Investigación en Educación y Ciencias Sociales. Avanzando en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.

    Rojas-Torrijos, J. L., y García-Cepero, J. (2020). Percepción del periodismo deportivo de datos entre usuarios habituales. Estudio de caso del modelo predictivo de El País para el Mundial de Fútbol de 2018.

    Zhong, Y., Guo, K., Su, J., & Chu, S. K. W. (2022). The impact of esports participation on the development of 21st century skills in youth: A systematic review. Computers & Education, 104640.

  • Portada Obra Digital Núm. 23

    Contemporary social processes and communication
    No. 23 (2023)

    The monographic section of this number address how specific contemporary social processes interrelate with specific communication platforms, content and products. In a large number of contemporary social processes, the behaviour of groups is affected by the media and social networks, elements that play a relevant role in the way human interactions take place. Depending on the case, these communication-related processes involve ethical and educational issues related to people's physical and mental health, etc. Articles that explore these processes in their multiple dimensions are published.

  • Videoludic narratives and digital society: contemporary problems in pixel format
    No. 22 (2022)

    Our societies are increasingly playful and the video game is one of the spaces where a large part of the subjectivity and aesthetic education of the population is built, including the youngest. The video game, in its different genres and categorizations, has an enormous power of centrality and social representation due to its relationship with the construction of cultural identities, the diversity of its expressive forms or its projection as a universal language. Both developers and the community of players are capable of projecting on them the realities that are close to them.

    As a cultural artifact, the video game carries an implicit ideology, which, like the construction of meaning, is reflected and carried out through the gaming experience, commonly known as gameplay. As such, it brings with it problems of a political, economic or social nature. War conflicts, humanitarian crises (famine, refugees), the consequences of neoliberalism, climate change, loneliness, suicide, sexual identity, racism or marginalization, are just some of them.

    In this sense, video games must be understood as socio-spatial practices in which the physical world and the playful space feed off each other, especially in those video games that reflect armed conflicts inspired by real or plausible situations, as is the case of Tom Clancy's The Division franchise (2016-2018) or visions of the world with a marked colonialist character such as the Sid Meier's Civilization strategy video game saga (1991-2016). Although, as with other media, a large part of the proposals are in line with the status quo, there are others that are riskier than themes such as loneliness, relationships or the consequences of economic crises, such as Nigh in the Wood (Infinity Fall , 2017), The Stillness of the Wind (Fellow Traveler, 2019) or Kentucky Zero Route (2011-2020).

    Being an eminently interactive medium, the video game as an expressive-artistic medium allows exploring the themes proposed by each particular title in a totally different and active way than the predecessor media. With this monograph we intend to analyze in depth how typical problems of our time and societies are reflected in the videoludic worlds and through the defining elements of the language of the medium. There can be no full citizenship without a playful literacy in which citizens can access the video game, can understand its meaning and can create content through the medium.

  • Competencias digitales y alfabetización mediática para una educación abierta y en red

    Digital skills and media literacy for open and online education
    No. 21 (2021)

    Given the growing importance of digital competence and media literacy, Obra Digital in its number 21 aims to address this issue from different approaches and realities in such a way that it presents a contribution that allows us to deepen some areas of this fascinating and changing reality, with special emphasis on education.

  • Las redes sociales en la comunicación: un tema de discusión constante

    Social media in communication: a constant topic of discussion
    No. 20 (2021)

    Social media have taken over the business sector, the advertising field and, in addition, the sports sector. They have had an impact on the way we communicate and have now become an integral part of our lives. Social media allows organizations to reach their customers regardless of geographical boundaries to create brand awareness, but they also reach users to provide unreliable news. The influence of social media has led to a different genre of communication where conversations are fast and information is easily transmitted, for that reason, social media are a constant topic of discussion.

  • Digital uses to promote democratic experiences
    No. 19 (2020)

    Information and communication technologies are shaped by society but also modified by political structures. Linking technologies and democracy implies talking about a wide range of scenarios in which different users, content, and various elements interact.

  • Obra Digital No. 18.   Comunicación y Cultura

    Communication and Culture
    No. 18 (2020)

    Communication goes beyond media and messages. It helps us to shape the social relationships through which we give meaning to our reality and culture. We tried in this issue to give space to creativity and  diverse areas of communication and culture, including subjects and voices frequently delayed.


  • Social networks and new technologies in multidisciplinary lines
    No. 17 (2019)

    The implications of social networks and new communication technologies in different areas of society are the main theme of this seventeen monograph. We try to get an idea of the effect that both social networks and new communication technologies have in different areas and with various social protagonists through research that analyzes diverse themes applied in different places. The idea is not to compare, but to observe different effects and applications that lead to more successful applications for both public institutions, businesses and individuals in various contexts.


  • Challenges from the Communication for Sustainability
    No. 16 (2019)

    The main focus of the present monographic work is communications management linked to sustainability processes within organizations. This has become a fundamental topic nowadays, where the path toward social, environmental, and economic responsibility appears as the best alternative to gain the trust of and strengthen relationships with the public. Accordingly, this work covers topics of interest to communications professionals and researchers in different areas where communications activities aim to meet the current and future needs of social movers, while at the same time making it easier for organizations to fulfil their missions and be accountable to themselves and society.


  • Public relations and communication. Exploring opportunities in an interconnected world
    No. 15 (2018)

    This paper is about the challenges and opportunities of public relations nowadays, especially concerning new mass media and social media. The public relations task is as important as ever and in particular in the field of communication, incorporating new strategies, tactics and skills, associated with the use of mass media and, increasingly, social networks. We propose a radiography of the role that public relations play in the digital world, both from a theoretical point of view, and as used by public and private sector organisations. This issue of the journal includes several case studies of the communicative treatment of approaches used for specific audiences by different organisations.


  • Teoría de redes, Educación y Difusión del conocimiento
    No. 14 (2018)

    Our intention is to present this special issue on the theory of networks, education and knowledge diffusion by outlining the articles that compose it. Our online journal consists of research in the field of communication and related areas,and for this issue we gathered papers on the theory of networks, education and knowledge diffusion. 


  • Challenges and opportunities of the Public relations: formation, investigation and health
    No. 13 (2017)

    The focus of this monographic is centred on the challenges and opportunities that the Public Relations are living in our days, especially in the ambiences of Health, but also in formation and investigation. The Public Relations keep on living through at this moment, in which they become strong inside the field of the Communication, incorporating new strategies, tactics and skills that apply to different professional fields. In this  monographic, we will realize a theoretical - practical vision on the current state of this ambience of the knowledge, starting by its terminological enmarcation, an analysis of the role that are playing in different management, institutional and academic environments and ending with several case studies of national and international reference concerning the Communication of Health.


  • Participatory and collaborative strategies in factual narratives
    No. 12 (2017)

    Factual narratives are based on an assumed referential veracity in regard to their stories. Within this vast field of reality, we describe three specific forms of expression: audiovisual, interactive and transmedia. Over recent years, each of these forms of expression has developed its own strategies and mechanisms to encourage collaboration, participation and involvement of audiences. Whether through advertising, community programs, participative projects or platforms that empower users, the possibilities of these factual projects seem to go on and on, being reinvented in each new form of expression. In this paper, we analyze how these three forms have influenced the field of non-fiction, on the basis of a selection of key genres and formats such as documentaries, journalism, museums and essays.


  • New scenarios of digital political communication
    No. 11 (2016)

    This monographic issue focuses on the new scenarios emerging in political communication with a clear shift to the digital ecosystem. Communicative formulas that are using experts in the field for implementation through political organizations and their leaders are supported, with increasing profusion in digital tools and techniques. This monograph provides nine articles on political communication with approaches from the digital sphere, realized by some academic and scientific researchers. Through various research presented it is observed how political actors and intensively apply new media and platforms, and the use of ad hoc digital channels depending on the type of audiences you are directed. But also show how there are still limitations in the use of digital tools.


  • Video games and learning evidence: challenges in the evaluation process
    No. 10 (2016)

    The Journal Obra Digital in its tenth number, brings a special edition comprised five works originated from the XI Electronics Games Seminar, Education and Communication held in Brazil in Salvador / Bahia.The referred seminar whose theme was "Electronic Games and learning evidence: the challenges in the evaluation process" aims to meet both domestic and foreign researchers hoping to discuss topics related to digital culture and its manifestations, particularly electronic games.The interest in addressing the topic Electronic Games and learning evidences: challenges in the evaluation process, arises by the need to explore, search and highlight the mediation and potential of digital games for the particular learning in formal educational settings.The growth of a culture of evaluation linked to the necessity to build methodologies with greater scientific rigor consists of a movement focused in an practice based in evidences, still lacking more deepenings. What actually have directed ample debates.The works selected for this issue brings researches from different backgrounds and Brazilian approaches.


  • Obra Digital

    Technology and society: views from design
    No. 9 (2015)

    This special issue examines some aspects of design in this technology-mediated society that lead contemporary designers to develop new ways of doing things, by incorporating continuously evolving technological tools. This professional task relies on information and communications technology (ICT), but also faces the paradox of immaterial production that implies a reconsideration of the ontology of objects. This issue offers a critical approach to new design practices and to the re-appropriation of traditional ones, and proposes some guidelines to understand contemporary design in its mediatory and proactive role.


  • Audiovisual, interactive and transmedia non-fiction
    No. 8 (2015)

    Number 8 of  Obra Digital Revista de Comunicación  explores  audiovisual, interactive and transmedia non-fiction narrative expression forms. Throughout the history of communication the field of non-fiction has always been regarded as less than its fictional namesake. This is also true in the field of research, where the studies into audiovisual, interactive and transmedia fiction narratives have always been one step ahead of the studies into nonfiction narratives. This monograph proposes a theoretical and practical approach to narrative nonfiction forms as documentary, reporting, essay, educational formats and institutional films in order to supply a picture of its current position in the media ecosystem.


  • The social use of the internet in educational, multimedia and business environments.
    No. 7 (2014)

    The number 7 of Obra Digital Revista de Comunicación deepens in the adaptation that different sectors are realising with the consolidation of internet like tool of communication between organisations and users. The sector of the education takes advantage of this tool to interact with his students, in addition to use it as educational resource in the classrooms. Sectors like the tourist and the meat industry design campaigns of corporate social responsibility for to notice and communicate to his groups of interest, at the same time that local televisions generate parallel channels with his audience taking advantage of the social networks and other possibilities that Internet offers. The analysis of these different articles will allow to the reader know the social reality of the world wide web from different perspectives in these specific sectors and surroundings.


  • Narratives and digital design
    No. 6 (2014)

    Issue 6 of Obra Digital contains a collection of articles on studies that examine digital content from different angles, including the display of cartographic design or virtual spaces, the construction of narrative, and video game production. This new issue focuses on research in the emerging cultural industry of design and video games, from the perspective of communication.


  • Interactivity and video games
    No. 5 (2013)

    Issue 5 of Obra Digital offers a selection of seven articles that highlight the potential of video games and their expanding scope; the result of the new levels of interaction that are now possible. From the design of games to gamification, this issue encourages readers to discover why researchers are focusing increasingly on the study of interactivity and video games.


  • Accounts of digital and mobile communication
    No. 4 (2013)

    Issue 4 of Obra Digital presents a collection of articles covering topics ranging from the use of mobile phones by children, the use of mobile phones in the shopping process, and the state of documentary development. The aim of this issue is to consider aspects that are currently being researched in digital communication in the fields of communication and advertising. 


  • Obra Digital Vol3

    Blogs: their importance and current state
    No. 3 (2012)

    Issue 3 contains a selection of articles that illustrate the way blogs are currently used. The more superficial kinds of conversations are moving to social networking sites, but blogs continue to be the place for deeper discussions. The articles presented here indicate that blogs are not in decline. In fact, they are continuing to grow and are a fundamental component in the "social media" world.


  • Digital mobility trends and opportunities
    No. 2 (2012)

    Issue 2 describes the media ecosystem in Brazil and Spain. It includes a summary of the analysis presented for the "Mobile Communication" project (PHB2009-0001), which was funded by the Ministry of Spain and the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The Brazilian-Spanish network of researchers used a multidisciplinary approach to prepare a document on mobile communication in the context of the media. They identified potential and new content, services and business opportunities.


  • Digital media convergence: content consumption and the use of new media by women in Catalonia
    No. 1 (2011)

    Media convergence heralds the coexistence of new digital media and the rise of the participatory culture, led by user communities and their almost frenetic activity. New cooperative work methods enable groups to create and recreate contents, and promote the formation of user communities who use and reuse the new kinds of services. Consequently, the media industry in Catalonia – and in the world in general – is in a phase of development and expansion. In this context, women play an important role of which content producers, agencies and universities are aware, as they all benefit from an understanding of the use and consumption of media gained through gender studies.
