Interactive and transmedia narratives in crime fiction for teaching literature




Interactive literature, transmedia narrative, soft-boiled, Sherlock Holmes, gamification, teaching literature


The plots of soft-boiled novels usually offer a game of riddles and puzzles that challenge the reader. That is why it has been easier for structures to be adapted to new dimensions. Through interactive literature and transmedia narrative, the aim is to explore how this genre has been transferred to other works in different formats. The study will address some concrete examples to finally show the design of an interactive and transmedia product with the purpose of teaching literature to high school students. The research does not aim to show a learning process but the design and development of a game to learn.

Author Biography

Irene Solanich Sanglas, Universitat de Vic- Universitat Central de catalunya (UVic-UCC)

Degree in Translation and Interpretation (University of Vic, 2012). Master in Translation and Technologies (Open University of Catalonia, 2014) and Master in Specialized Translation (University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia, 2016). She received a doctorate in Translation, Gender, and Cultural Studies in 2023 at the UVic-UCC. Currently, she is a member of the research group GLOSSA: Research group in Applied Linguistics, Didactics and Literature (UVic-UCC). Beyond the academic field, she is a publisher in Llibres del Delicte and Spècula (publishing houses specializing in Catalan crime fiction, fantasy, horror, and sci-fi). In addition, she is also the author of narrative fiction.


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How to Cite

Solanich Sanglas, I. (2024). Interactive and transmedia narratives in crime fiction for teaching literature. Obra Digital, (25), 41–53.