Alternate reality games (ARG) and fandom involvement in Taylor Swift's narrative universe




Narrative universe, Taylor Swift, alternate reality games, ARG, personal brand


The study aims to determine which elements of singer Taylor Swift’s alternate reality games (ARGs) are integrated into her communication
strategy and narrative universe. To achieve this, it proposes extrapolating the characteristics that ARGs possess according to specialized literature and applying these variables from the Swift Universe as a successful ARG model
applicable to commercial brands. The results demonstrate that the ARG fulfills 19 out of 20 defined characteristics, and its communication strategy revolves around a narrative universe that has expanded across numerous platforms and networks over the years.

Author Biographies

Lucía Garrido-Rodríguez, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU

Lucía Garrido is a graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from Abat Oliba CEU University. She holds a certificate as an expert in Communication Management and Event Planning from the International School of Protocol and has studied Communication as part of the Exchange Program at Florida International University. She has the distinction of having organized and presented the XVII edition of the GoliADs UAO CEU Awards and of having obtained the CEU Mérit100 scholarship for academic merit. She has worked as an Account Management Trainee at Havas Media and in Production at the agency La Diferencia.

Alfonso Freire-Sánchez, Universidad Abat Oliba CEU

Alfonso Freire-Sánchez holds a PhD in Communication Sciences, a Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and a Bachelor's degree in Humanities. He has been a collaborating professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Open University of Catalonia, and the ENTI School of the University of Barcelona. He is currently the Director of Studies in Advertising and Public Relations and an adjunct professor at Abat Oliba CEU University, where he teaches courses in Creativity, Cinema, and Advertising Writing. He received the Ángel Herrera Award for the best teaching work (2013-2014) and the FlixOlé-URJC award for the best research article (2023). He has specialized in audiovisual narrative in cinema, advertising, and video games.


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How to Cite

Garrido-Rodríguez, L., & Freire-Sánchez, A. (2024). Alternate reality games (ARG) and fandom involvement in Taylor Swift’s narrative universe. Obra Digital, (25), 25–40.