The evolution of the football business into a multinational entertainment company




evolution, business, football, entertainment, multinational


Book Review

Ginesta Portet, Xavier (2022). The multinationals of entertainment. Football, diplomacy, identity and technology. Editorial UO

Author Biography

Gema Lobillo Mora, Universidad de Málaga

Associate Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the University of Malaga (2020), with accreditation as Full Professor (2023). Coordinator of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree (2021). Doctorate Cum Laude with International Mention in Communication from the University of Malaga (2013). Graduate in Journalism (2001) and in Advertising and Public Relations from the UMA (1996).  Master's Degree in Sports Management from the EXCE School (2011), Master's Degree in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication from the University of Malaga (2013).


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How to Cite

Lobillo Mora, G. (2023). The evolution of the football business into a multinational entertainment company. Obra Digital, (24), 185–188.