Fake News: propagation and communities, how are they related?





fake news, digital communities, impact, netnographic methodology, lurking observation, social communication


The present study investigates the growing role of fake news in digital communities and the potential impact resulting from its rapid spread. To this end, netnographic methodology was utilized along with lurking observation. The latter was used to preserve the integrity of participants. Data collection focused on two politically similar groups with open access on WhatsApp. This data allowed for a more detailed understanding of fake news and its influence on decision-making, as well as possible reasons for its easy and rapid spread through the internet.

Author Biographies

Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro, Universidade Feevale y Laboratório de Criatividade

PhD in Social Communication, MSc in Social communication and BA in Advertising. Former coordinator of the Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising programs and currently professor and coordinator of FEEVALE University’s Creative Industry Master’s and Doctorate programs. Currently coordinates the research project: `The content creation process in Creative Sectors’ and the Creativity Laboratory.

Thiago Godolphim Mendes, Universidade Feevale y Laboratório de Criatividade

MSc in Design and Technology from UFRGS. BA in Advertising from PUCRS. Currently a professor at FEEVALE University, where he teaches in the Creative Industries courses. Coordinated the Audiovisual Production and Advertising courses at the same university and participates as researcher in FEEVALE University’s Creativity Laboratory. 

Eva Caroline da Silva Ev, Universidade Feevale y Laboratório de Criatividade

BA in Advertising from FEEVALE University and winner of awards such as Best Advertising Campaign - Mentes Brilhantes (2020), Best Transmedia Project - Mentes Brilhantes (2020), Best Campaign - Madrugadão PRO (2019) and Best Audiovisual production for Video Clip - Mente Brilhantes (2019). 

Eva Fabbiana Bez Galarza, Universidade Feevale y Laboratório de Criatividade

Undergraduate in Biology from FEEVALE University. Scientific scholarship holder for Cluster GameRS  in the Rio Grande do Sul state. Participates in the development of the TKE Corporative University project, was part of the Creativity, Teaching and Minecraft project. Currently a member of the FEEVALE University’s Creativity Laboratory.

Thomás Czrnhak, Universidade Feevale y Laboratório de Criatividade

BA in Fashion from FEEVALE University. FAPERGS PDTI level 5 scholarship holder, manager of the GameRS Cluster, PIBITI former scientific scholarship holder, editor and researcher of PREVERS - Behavioral Trends Research - and member of the FEEVALE University’s Creativity Laboratory.


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How to Cite

Pereira Pinheiro, C. M., Godolphim Mendes, T., da Silva Ev, E. C., Bez Galarza, E. F., & Czrnhak, T. (2023). Fake News: propagation and communities, how are they related?. Obra Digital, (24), 167–183. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2023.383.24