Communication mediated by conference interpreters: age and sex stereotypes




Sex and age, stereotypes, ageism, simultaneous interpretation


Previous studies have concluded that the combination of interpreters’ sex and age may affect the perception of their simultaneous interpretation. In this study, 156 subjects completed a questionnaire assessing various non-verbal factors of the simultaneous interpretations produced by four male and four female interpreters of different age groups in a recording studio. The recordings were controlled to achieve a homogeneous rendition of verbal factors to favor the rating of non-verbal factors. The results show that interpreters’ sex- and age-related characteristics, as discerned by the listener, may bias the perceived interpreter’s performance.

Author Biography

Lucila Christen y Gracia, Universidad de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Lucila Christen y Gracia has been a professional interpreter and translator since 1973. She holds a Ph.D. in Translation, Gender, and Cultural Studies from the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, Spain, where she obtained a Master's degree in specialized legal-financial translation (Extraordinary Prize). She has been a member since 1982 and former president of the Mexican Association of Conference Interpreters (CMIC), an Honorary Member of the Mexican Association of Graduates in Translation and Interpreting (CMLTI), and a member of the American Translators Association (ATA). Since 2002, she has been President and CEO of Grupo Gaute, the first ISO-certified translation and interpreting agency in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Christen y Gracia, L. (2023). Communication mediated by conference interpreters: age and sex stereotypes. Obra Digital, (24), 125–146.