The promotional strategy of Netflix and HBO on Instagram in a competition scenario. Analysis of their profiles in Spain and in the US




Instagram, ANOVA, HBO, Netflix, Streaming, Social media


This study analyzes the resources and strategies used by the US and Spanish profiles of HBO and Netflix on Instagram. For this, the year 2017 is taken as a reference because it is a period marked by the arrival of HBO in Spain. The content analysis of the 731 messages collected reflects a high internal consistency on the part of Netflix, while on HBO both channels differ significantly. An effort is appreciated by the Spanish profiles to adapt to the Spanish social reality by resorting to social causes or by emphasizing the dimension of the conflict.

Author Biographies

Juan Martín-Quevedo, Doctor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)

Assistant professor doctor at the Rey Juan Carlos University. He teaches on digital journalistic projects and media history. His main lines of research are social networks and the history of radio broadcasting in Spain.

Erika Fernández-Gómez, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (Spain)

Professor at the Faculty of Business and Communication of the International University of La Rioja. She is a member of the Communication and Digital Society research group (COYSODI). Her lines of research are social networks, social television and e-health.

Francisco Segado-Boj, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Assistant Professor Doctor at the Complutense University of Madrid. Vice-director of the research project Communication and Entertainment: History and Structure. His lines of research are social networks, digital journalism and academic communication.


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How to Cite

Martín-Quevedo, J., Fernández-Gómez, E., & Segado-Boj, F. (2021). The promotional strategy of Netflix and HBO on Instagram in a competition scenario. Analysis of their profiles in Spain and in the US. Obra Digital, (20).