
Network Theory, Education and Diffusion of knowledge




Network theory, education, knowledge diffusion, research


Our intention is to present this special issue on the theory of networks, education and knowledge diffusion by outlining the articles that compose it. Our online journal consists of research in the field of communication and related areas,and for this issue we gathered papers on the theory of networks, education and knowledge diffusion. Readers of this issue will find theoretical models that, based on simulations, aid in the explanation and prediction of processes such as the diffusion of knowledge in social networks, in which collaboration and cooperation between individuals take place; they will also find models of networks related to the understanding of discourses, either as tools of support or as method and technique of analysis. There is also a work that deals with the mapping of interaction networks among the various actors that make up communities of practice. Finally, there is an article that presents a standard protocol for the description of digital games.

Author Biography

Hernane Borges de Barros Pereira, Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB. Faculdade de Tecnologia SENAI - CIMATEC (Brazil)

Completed his doctorate in Multimedia Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2002. He is currently Full Professor at the Department of Education at the State University of Bahia and Associate Professor at the SENAI ClMATEC. He lectures in the Graduate Program in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology and, also, in the Graduate Program in Knowledge Diffusion. He serves as an ad-hoc consultant to the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Professor Pereira main interests in the fields of science, information technology and innovation lie in the areas of social and complex networks, diffusion of knowledge, software engineering and human computer interaction, through computer modeling techniques.



How to Cite

de Barros Pereira, H. B. (2018). Introduction: Network Theory, Education and Diffusion of knowledge. Obra Digital, (14), 9–12.