Transmedia activism. Participatory narratives for social change.




Transmedia, activism, participatory media practices, discursive communication, creative communication, social art


We propose a review of media activist practices giving rise to participative transmedia narratives in relation to political action and location. Digital networks have allowed the development of a network culture. We discuss artistic practices of activist groups and new proposals made via GPS with mobile devices and web documentaries. We identify three kinds of discourse in transmedia activism: narratives that open up to the region and its inhabitants, policies for collective action and representation, and the expression of experiences through witness.

Author Biographies

Pedro Ortuño Mengual, Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

Titular Professor in the sculpture area of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Murcia. He combines his teaching, artistic and research work with the curator of audiovisual exhibitions. He is director of the academic journal Arte y Política de Identidad. His research questions the role of the media and its relationship with transnational and peripheral identities. He has participated as a researcher and IP in several R&D projects related to identity politics and underground film / video.

Virginia Villaplana Ruiz, Universidad de Murcia (Spain)

Virginia Villaplana Ruiz. Researcher and professor of Analysis of audiovisual discourses at the University of Murcia, Faculty of Communication and Documentation. Her research explores writing as a negotiation between memory and history using creative methodologies such as Mediabiography from Do it yourself to Do it together (DIT). She has directed seminars on collective memory, queer and gender studies, interactive narratives among others at: University of London, Birkbeck, University of Roehampton, Colef. Graduate School of Social Sciences, Tijuana and Institute of International Visual Arts, London. She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Arte y Política de Identidad. Author of the books: Softfiction: Visual politics on emotionality and desire, The moment of memory, Prison of love. Cultural stories on gender violence and Infinite Cinema. At present, she is developing the Subplots project. Co-learning platform on collaborative audiovisual production practices.


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How to Cite

Ortuño Mengual, P., & Villaplana Ruiz, V. (2017). Transmedia activism. Participatory narratives for social change. Obra Digital, (12), 123–144.