The blogs as predecessors of social media and its relevance to marketing communication




Blogs, Social Media, Social Culture, Marketing and Strategy


The reinvention of societies and organizations appears linked to the social essence of human beings and the species‘ evolving motivation as a reflection of the agglomeration of individual behavior of a society. The satisfaction of social connection needs has allowed that the development of technological tools related to blogs and social media to a high level of compliance in a short period. This technology comes as a support to these human needs, making them more dynamic and transparent and influencing the communication between people and organizations, so that the continuity of organizations is associated with socialization, sharing interests and interacting with its audience and it is inseparable to the incorporation of digital technology in their activity, including those related to blogs and social media. The power of millions of people combined with rapid technological development, regardless of success, reinforces the "wave" of catalysts of social change, which together increase the degree of complexity in the management of traditional businesses and reduces the control of communication strategies for companies. Thus the need to understand how the new relationships are formed in social media and the impact of technology.

Author Biography

Pedro Pereira Correia, Universidad de Madeira (Portugal)

Professor at the University of Madeira, Portugal. PhD in Interactive digital communication by the Universitat de Vic.


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How to Cite

Pereira Correia, P. (2013). The blogs as predecessors of social media and its relevance to marketing communication. Obra Digital, (3), 66–76.