The influence of communication and information technologies (ICTs) in the consumption of cultural heritage and tourism by locals and visitors: websites, mobile apps and blogs


  • Heloisa Candello Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Brazil)



ICTs, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Blogs, Mobile apps


This study aims to identify visitor and resident’s characteristics of cultural spaces. As well as, it looks for opinions and receptivity of information and communication technologies (ICTs) use. For this purpose, it was reviewed outstanding scientific papers published in tourism and mobility conferences and journals. As a result, it was found that tourists of cultural spaces are demanding, have high income and education and they are not always able to observe the reality of the place visited by the eyes of human/electronic guides and travel packages. Additionally, they prefer to seek information with friends and family and appreciate the use of ICTs when they identify their importance in understanding the exhibit or artefact. Moreover, residents must be involved in cultural activities in order to support tourism and feel engaged and respected. Those findings can be used as design requirements for the creation of cultural heritage webpages, mobile apps and blogs.

Author Biography

Heloisa Candello, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Brazil)

Conversational Intelligence group IBM Research laboratory, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Candello, H. (2013). The influence of communication and information technologies (ICTs) in the consumption of cultural heritage and tourism by locals and visitors: websites, mobile apps and blogs. Obra Digital, (3), 52–65.