Personal Learning environments:

Changing Education




Informal education, VLE, PLE, PLN, Lifelong Learning, Blogs


This article analyzes the changes that have been occurring in education since the advent of Web 2.0 at the turn of the century. Educational institutions have been looking for new models to replace outdated ones by intensifying the shift in focus from teacher centered to learner centered. Learners are able to create their own learning environment according to their tastes and interests through the networks that they create and continually expand in a lifelong process. Educational institutions and teachers must now consider new roles to accompany an approach that leaves the classroom and formal education to an education that is informally based. It is within this setting that Personalized Learning Environments are proposed. Blogs are very significant in these environments. In this paper some examples are given to illustrate their importance.


Author Biography

Juan Carlos Lazo Galán, Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)

PhD student in Interactive Digital Communication at the University of Vic. Director of the Master in Multimedia Design. Principal Professor in the Careers of Graphic Design and Social Communication at the Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Lazo Galán, J. C. (2013). Personal Learning environments:: Changing Education. Obra Digital, (3), 34–50.