DOCTORAL THESIS An analysis of gender discrimination in the context of media convergence of Spanish female journalists




media convergence, gender discriminaition, female journalists


In an era marked by rapid digitalization and the convergence of media platforms, gender equality, particularly within journalism, has gained prominence. However, gender discrimination remains a challenge for female journalists. This research collected 387 valid responses from Spanish media professionals through digital and other channels. Data analysis, including statistical methods like frequency analysis and chi-square tests, aims to uncover factors affecting the careers of Spanish female journalists. The goal is to provide empirically supported recommendations for gender equality in the dynamic Spanish media landscape.

Author Biography

Nan Chen, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (UVic-UCC)

Ph.D. student at the Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, currently directing the Translation, Gender, and Culture program.


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How to Cite

Chen, N. (2024). DOCTORAL THESIS An analysis of gender discrimination in the context of media convergence of Spanish female journalists. Obra Digital, (25), 169–184.