Comparative analysis of Ecuador's public and media agendas throughout President Guillermo Lasso's first year in office.




Agenda setting, agenda correspondence, media agendas, public agendas, Ecuador


Ecuador is a country that, in the past fifteen years, has been characterized by the political polarization of the media. In that context, this investigation analyzes the correspondence between the citizen´s and media´s agendas , both printed and digital, in Ecuador during President Guillermo Lasso´s first year in office (May 24th, 2021-May 23rd, 2022). Public agenda data from the polling company Click Research, a company allowed to do public opinion research by Ecuador´s Electoral Council, was retrieved, and a topic content analysis of four Ecuadorian media, both digital (Primicias and Radio La Calle) and traditional (El Comercio and El Universo), was done, as well. The Matching Index proposed by Asp was used to analyze to which degree media and public agendas corresponded. Results show a correspondence between the agenda of different types of media and the public agenda. There is a greater correspondence between public and printed media agendas regardind permanent topics for society. In comparison, correspondence is more significant with digital media when it comes to immediate, circumstancial events that occasionally mark the public agenda.

Author Biography

Sebastian Carrasco-Hermida, Universidad del Azuay

He graduated from Social Communications at the Universidad del Azuay (2020) and a Master in Advanced Studies in Political Communication at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2022). He has researched agenda setting, public sphere and civilian conversation topics. He is currently a teacher at the Universidad del Azuay, where he teaches Communication, Language, and Journalistic Writing. He is also a member of the Academic Board at the Social Communication School at the same University.


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How to Cite

Carrasco-Hermida, S. (2024). Comparative analysis of Ecuador’s public and media agendas throughout President Guillermo Lasso’s first year in office. Obra Digital, (25), 149–167.