Blogs: a new narrative




Blogs, Narrative, Digital dissemination, Internet


Internet became in the 20th century the biggest media of information dissemination in the world, and from this digital dissemination, blogs were born. The interest of our research are the new types of narratives that begin to emerge from blogs. Blogs are very innovative because they give the user interactive tools that permit the creation of content in a dynamic and interactional way and which is different to traditional methods such as printed material. The narrative created by the blogs is different from the traditional narrative because is open and dynamic, which facilitate the uncontrolled introduction and intervention by other people who, a priori, do not belong to the history. Those people, at any time, may alter narrative and the course of it. Therefore, we aim through the tools offered by greimasiana semiotics to reveal the nuances covering this new form of narrative.

Author Biographies

Patricia Farias Coelho, Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, PUC SP (Brazil)

Post-doctoral student TIDD / PUC-SP and FAPESP fellow. PhD in Communication and Semiotics, Master in Arts.  Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Irene García Medina, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña (Spain)

PhD in Marketing (University of Nice), PhD in International Relations

(University of Austria). Member of the Digital Interactions research group. Barcelona, Spain.    

Marcos Rogério Martins Costa, Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)

Master in Linguistics, University of San Pablo. Sao Paulo, Brazil.  


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How to Cite

Farias Coelho, P., García Medina, I., & Martins Costa, M. R. (2013). Blogs: a new narrative. Obra Digital, (3), 24–32.

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