The role of women in the production of journalistic pieces: analysis of Mundo Deportivo and Marca during Qatar 2022




Sports journalism, women journalists, Marca, Mundo Deportivo, Qatar


Historically, both in Spain and internationally, the role of female journalists in the media has been characterized by being scarce and stereotyped. This poor representation has been called on numerous occasions a “symbolic annihilation” (Gerbner & Gross, 1976; Tuchman, 2000). The invisibility of women has been carried out mainly in the field of sports journalism, which has been configured as a difficult space for women to access and develop professionally (Ramon et al., 2020; Sainz de Baranda, 2013). 

The article aims to analyze the role played by women sports journalists in the production of journalistic pieces published in the Spanish sports press during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. The research was based on a quantitative content analysis that studied the information published between November 20 and December 18, 2022, the period in which the sporting event was held. The results indicate, among other things, a poor presence of female journalists in the production of articles, a low number of women designated to work with information about Qatar 2022, and a limited presence of female journalists both in the creation of opinion articles and also in the authorship of the information that appears on the front pages of the newspapers.

Author Biography

Nahuel Ivan Faedo, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Graduate in Social Communication. Predoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Business and Communication of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. He is a member of the research group TRACTE (Audiovisual Translation, Communication and Territory). His research focuses on sports journalism and mainly on the analysis of the roles played by women journalists in this discipline.


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How to Cite

Faedo, N. I. (2023). The role of women in the production of journalistic pieces: analysis of Mundo Deportivo and Marca during Qatar 2022. Obra Digital, (24), 93–104.