Divide and Conquer?

A Model for Live OTT Sports Streaming





Sports, broadcasting, digital media, fandom, television


The current study examined if multi-tiered offerings of a sports broadcast (three levels aimed at new sports fans, traditional sports fans, and hardcore sports fans) would increase a viewer’s intention to watch sports. Results reveal one’s level of sports fandom may increase if broadcasters implemented a feasible multi-tiered model of streaming sports based on three fandom levels, and viewers, even hardcore fans, like the idea of an introductory broadcast that explains in more detail the sport they are watching—perhaps because it could help them fulfill their willingness to consume more sports through fantasy and betting.

Author Biographies

Roxane Coche, University of Florida

Roxane Coche (Mass communication, University of North Carolina) is an associate professor and the interim chair of the Department of Media Production, Management, and Technology at the University of Florida. Her priority in research is to better understand the fast-changing global environment and to capture the relationships among sports, media, and social issues.

Benjamin J. Lynn, University of Florida

Benjamin J. Lynn, Ph.D., (Mass communication, University of Florida) is an adjunct instructor at the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications. His research is focused on live broadcasting generally and explores social issues in sports broadcasting.

Matthew J. Haught, University of South Carolina

Matthew J. Haught, Ph.D., (Mass communication, University of South Carolina) is a professor in the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Memphis. His research explores visual communication and technology across a spectrum of uses, from health communication to sports media.


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How to Cite

Coche, R., Lynn, B. J., & Haught, M. J. (2023). Divide and Conquer? : A Model for Live OTT Sports Streaming. Obra Digital, (24), 31–50. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2023.382.24