The activity in Tiktok of the print media in Spain




TikTok, Technology, Journalism, Social Networks, Information


The social media platform TikTok presents itself as a predominantly entertainment-focused communication format, not only for younger generations but also for an increasingly captivated audience enticed by recommendation algorithms. In this context, traditional media outlets are formulating their strategies to establish a presence on TikTok, fully aware that the future audiences to be engaged are now on this platform.

This research aims to primarily examine the activity of the major print media outlets in Spain. The objective is to analyze whether the use of TikTok by print media outlets in Spain is significant or not, whether there is a strategic professionalization of their editorial activity, and finally, whether this activity is tailored to the peculiarities of the platform or if it simply involves recycling content from their main medium. To achieve this, the posts published on the social network by the leading national newspapers—El País, El Mundo, ABC, La Vanguardia, and La Razón—will be reviewed in a specific chronological sequence, establishing a comparative analysis of the main interaction milestones provided by the platform.

The main conclusions establish that there is a greater attempt than expected in the activity that print media outlets engage in on TikTok. However, despite this, the activity is not highly professionalized or well-thought-out, as there is no clear pattern of publication, continuity, or specific production. Instead, TikTok serves more as a container where already produced content is poured into.

Author Biographies

Fernando Galindo-Rubio, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Fernando Galindo Rubio is a Full Professor of Communication Technology. At UPSA, he has taught courses related to the general field of Information and Communication Technologies since 1994, specifically in the context of Audiovisual Technological Innovation. He is accredited as a Full Professor by ANECA and has taught undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses at several universities and educational centers in Spain and Portugal. His research work has been recognized by the CNEAI with two six-year research periods, and he has directed and participated in more than a dozen regional, national, and international competitive research projects. He has also published articles in scientific journals from Spain, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, the USA, and Portugal. Additionally, he is a co-author of four entries in the Intellectual Property Registry resulting from his research and innovation work. Currently, he is the Dean of the Faculty of Communication at UPSA.

Ángel Fuentes Nevado, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Graduate in Journalism from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and Master in Political Communication from the Universidad Nebrija. Analyst of Political Intelligence and Public Affairs at the Thinking Heads consultancy firm. Researcher in technological innovation in communication, social networks, and new forms of journalistic communication.

Fernando Suárez-Carballo, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Professor of Art Direction in the Faculty of Communication at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. PhD in Information Sciences. The ANECA (Spanish National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation) has accredited him as a Senior Lecturer. Since 2000, he has been teaching different subjects related to graphic design and visual communication, where he focuses his research activity, contrasted with two six-year CNEAI research periods.


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How to Cite

Galindo-Rubio, F., Fuentes Nevado, Ángel, & Suárez-Carballo, F. (2023). The activity in Tiktok of the print media in Spain. Obra Digital, (24), 147–165.