The contribution of trade fairs to city branding:

comparative study of the cities Barcelona and Milan




trade fairs, place branding, city branding, Barcelona, Milan


Trade fairs can help cities to differentiate themselves because they offer important possibilities regarding the relationship, promotion and brand positioning of the territory (de San Eugenio Vela & Jiménez Morales, 2009). However, the current literature provides few articles on the influence of these events on city branding (Kowalik, 2012).

The general objective of this publication is to analyze the coordination between municipal authorities and trade fair organizers in the city branding strategy, comparing the cities of Barcelona and Milan. The specific objectives are: a) to know the city branding strategy of both cities; b) to confirm if the organizers are aware of it, as well as their objectives; c) to identify if there is collaboration between them to achieve the goals and, finally, d) to share recommendations thanks to the analysis of the management model of each city.

The methodology used was based on a qualitative approach and consisted, firstly, of in-depth interviews with the city council and the most relevant actors in these cities. Secondly, online surveys were carried out to find out the opinion of the trade fair organizers who carry out their activity in these cities.

Author Biographies

Josep Jonàs Cortés, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Holds a degree in Market Research and Techniques from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and is a PhD student at UVic-UCC. He is the Operation & Customer Service Director of NEBEXT and a teaching collaborator at EAE Business School and the UVic-UCC. He has worked for more than 30 years at Fira de Barcelona. His line of research is focused on the impact of trade fairs on the city brand. 

Jordi De San Eugenio Vela, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña

Professor in the Department of Communication. Coordinator of the PhD program in Design and Communication. Coordinator of the Advertising and Public Relations studies. His research interests revolve around the communication processes that are produced from the territory, with special emphasis on tourism, landscape and place brands.

Xavier Ginesta Portet, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya

Associate Professor. He holds a PhD in Communication and Journalism from the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona na (2009) and is currently a professor in the Department of Communication at the Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya. His line of research is focused on sports communication and sports marketing, as well as territory branding.


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How to Cite

Jonàs Cortés, J., De San Eugenio Vela, J., & Ginesta Portet, X. (2023). The contribution of trade fairs to city branding: : comparative study of the cities Barcelona and Milan. Obra Digital, (23), 127–145.