Dissecting fear, politicising rage.

Spanish feminist documentaries against rape culture





Feminism, documentary, Spanish cinema, rape culture, affective solidarity


This article addresses three Spanish feminist documentaries that, embedded in current social and political debates, deal with sexual violence against women: Nagore (Helena Taberna, 2010), Tódalas mulleres que coñezo (All the Women I Know, Xiana do Teixeiro, 2018) and La cosa vuestra (It’s Your Thing, María Cañas, 2018). The contribution analyses the formal strategies employed to deconstruct rape myths and their impact on the gendered regulation of public space. It also reflects how these films promote affective solidarity as a basis for collective feminist politics.

Author Biography

Elena Oroz, University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M)

PDH Assistant Professor at Carlos III University of Madrid  (UC3M) in the Department of Communication and Media Studies. Member of the TECMERIN research group and of the Spanish Film University Institute at UC3M. Her areas of study are documentary, Spanish cinema and feminist film theory. She is the author of more than 20 book chapters and articles published in academic journals and, among others, she has co-edited the books Lo personal es político. Documental y Feminismo/The Personal is Political. Documental y Feminism (Government of Navarra, 2011) and Entrevistas con creadoras del cine español contemporáneo. Millones de cosas por hacer (Peter Lang, 2021). She is a member of the association Mujeres y Cine. MYC and the Latin American Women's Audiovisual Research Network (RAMA).


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How to Cite

Oroz, E. (2023). Dissecting fear, politicising rage. : Spanish feminist documentaries against rape culture. Obra Digital, (23), 33–49. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2023.372.23