Sponsorship as a determining factor in the development of the careers of Spanish elite athletes.

Inequalities by gender and type of sport





Sponsorship, marketing, sport, gender perspective, social networks


The importance of sponsorship has increased a lot in recent years, being essential in the recognition of elite athletes. The main objective of this study is to determine the scope that sponsorship has on the athlete's success, analyzing the differences based on gender, discipline or country where the profession is practiced. Qualitative methodologies have been used (personal interviews and focus groups with elite Spanish athletes). It is concluded that obtaining a sponsor is not the same easy for all athletes, depending largely on the chosen discipline, gender, the country in which the activity takes place and previous sporting successes.

Author Biographies

Óscar Gutiérrez-Aragón, Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)

Director of the Business Department and Coordinator of the Degree in Marketing at the Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani de Barcelona (University of Girona). PhD in Business Administration from the University of León. Accredited as Associate Professor and Professor of Private University by ANECA. Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at the University of Barcelona. Formerly Professor at the University of León. Economic Analyst and Principal Researcher, responsible for preparing social, economic and labour reports on the Spanish veterinary sector for his employer's association, the Spanish Veterinary Business Confederation (CEVE), attached to the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE). He has published subject manuals and various research articles on business organisation, communication, marketing, environmental economics, the veterinary, and automotive sectors.

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)

PhD in Journalism (cum laude) from the UAB. University Professor (ANECA) and Associate Professor (AQU). Lecturer at UPF, URL, Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani (UdG), UOC, EAE-UPC. Director of CECABLE. He has published more than a hundred indexed scientific articles.

Alba Gracia-Conde, Escola Universitaria Mediterrani (Universidad de Girona)

Pre-doctoral researcher at the Department of Business at the Escuela Universitaria Mediterrani de Barcelona (University of Girona). Graduate in Marketing from the University of Girona. Her lines of research are communication and sports marketing. This is her first participation in research of this kind.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Aragón, Óscar, Fondevila-Gascón, J.-F., & Gracia-Conde, A. (2023). Sponsorship as a determining factor in the development of the careers of Spanish elite athletes.: Inequalities by gender and type of sport. Obra Digital, (24), 13–30. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2023.371.23