Study of gender violences against women communicators in Catalonia within the social network Twitter




Aggressions, Harassment, Women Communicators, Gender, Twitter, Digital Violence


Based on a previous study addressing the violence that feminist activist women receive on Twitter, it was proposed to transfer that methodology to the field of women who, due to their profession (journalists, writers, influencers...) we have called communicators. All of them share both professional public visibility and presence and activity on Twitter. To measure the relationship that these online attacks have with gender-related issues, the study was carried out during the weeks leading to and departing after the International Day of Women. Among other results, the investigation concluded that 1 out 5 tweets aroused some form of aggression and a significant increase in violence during the 8th of March.     

Author Biographies

Diana Morena Balaguer, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC)

TRACTE and CEIG (UVic-UCC) member, has a degree in Audiovisual Communication (UPF) and has two Master's degrees: International Studies in Media, Power and Diversity (UPF) and Women, Gender and Citizenship Studies (UB). Currently, she combines her doctoral thesis in Gender Studies (IIEDG - UVic) with her academic work as a researcher on gender violence.

Maria Forga Martel, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC)

Professor in Journalism and Communication at the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. Graduated in Law and a PhD in Communication from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​she investigates ethics applied to journalism and communication, with special attention to documentary film and gender studies, having participated in European projects such as the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) on the presence of women in the media (2015 - 2020) or studying the presence of women behind the cameras in Spanish soap operas (2013). She is the author of the Guide for university teaching with a gender perspective in Communication studies.


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How to Cite

Morena Balaguer, D., & Forga Martel, M. (2023). Study of gender violences against women communicators in Catalonia within the social network Twitter. Obra Digital, (23), 15–32.