Social networks in the activation of collective memory:

the case of the Facebook page of the Official Cristero National Guard




social network, memory, activation


This paper investigates the characteristics of the memory activation through the analysis of the social network of the Guardia Nacional Cristera. It highlights the role played by this Facebook platform in the reinterpretation and updating of the links of the Cristero community. It delves, in fact, into the characteristics of the publications, following the methodology proposed by Robert Kozinets (2015) in Netnography. Redefined, which allows for a punctual review of the content of the publications, and therefore interprets the results in the light of theories of memory, post-memory and forgetting.

Author Biography

Sandra Peña Haro, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Graduate in Restoration of Movable Cultural Assets from the "Manuel del Castillo Negrete" National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography (ENCRyM 1990-1995), Master in Art from the Hellenic Cultural Institute (2001-2003) and PhD in Creation and Theories of Culture from the University of the Americas in Cholula, Puebla (2015-2019). Since 1995 she has worked at the Conservation and Restoration Laboratory in the Historical Archive of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and since 2019 she has been a professor in the Master's Degree in Conservation of Documentary Collections of the ENCRyM. Her interests are focused on the conservation of archives and, in particular, on the characteristics of the photographic object to rethink its processing in the archives.



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How to Cite

Peña Haro, S. (2023). Social networks in the activation of collective memory: : the case of the Facebook page of the Official Cristero National Guard. Obra Digital, (23), 115–125.