Representation of Arab Muslim women in the series La víctima número 8 and Skam España




Spanish fiction series, Arab Muslim woman, representation, stereotypes, Skam España, La víctima número 8


This article identifies and analyzes the image and stereotypes associated with Arab Muslim women in the discourse of fiction produced in Spain through the study of the series Skam España and La víctima número 8. Through a qualitative methodology based on the characterization model and the analysis of the stereotype figure, it is concluded that both audiovisuals give relevance to these women, offer alternatives to the activities and spaces to which they are commonly circumscribed and enable them to confront and correct the stereotypes with which they are defined.

Author Biography

Ivyliet Ventura-Kessel, Universidad de Deusto

PhD candidate in the Leisure, Communication and Culture program at the University of Deusto with a COFUND Marie Sklodowska-Curie research grant from the European Union. Graduated in Journalism at the University of Havana with honors, she studied the Master in Communication and Culture at the University of Seville as a scholarship holder of the AUIP in 2020 and obtained the Extraordinary End of Studies Award. She is developing her doctoral project at the intersection of postcolonial and gender studies to examine the cultural discourses on Arab Muslim women in the Spanish audiovisual fiction of the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Ventura-Kessel, I. (2023). Representation of Arab Muslim women in the series La víctima número 8 and Skam España. Obra Digital, (23), 69–86.