Representations of violence against women in the series ARTE H24. 24 hours in the life of a woman




feminism, violence against women, female gaze, audiovisual


This article explores the representation of forms of violence against women through the analysis of two episodes of the audiovisual series ARTE H24. 24 hours in the life of a woman (2021). It offers a contextualization of European legislation and a review of concepts such as alternative cinema and female gaze. Through a series of indicators extracted from the most relevant publications, it provides insight into how this series offers innovative models of representation for forms of violence that are sometimes not perceived as such. 

Author Biographies

Esther Ferrer, University of Deusto

Esther Ferrer Rizo is a pre-doctoral researcher in the Communication group, within the doctoral program in Leisure, Culture and Communication for Human Development at the University of Deusto, and has received funding from the University of Deusto through the FPI scholarship program for her training and pre-doctoral research. She has a degree in Humanities: Communication from the University of Deusto, a degree in Law from the University of the Basque Country and a Master's Degree in Political Integration and Economic Union in the European Union from the University of the Basque Country. She has worked at the University of Deusto (2007-2012) teaching subjects in the Communication degree in English, as well as English and Spanish as a foreign language, and as project manager of the CDCS Project (Curriculum Development in Communication Sciences), funded by the EACEA.

María Pilar Rodríguez Pérez, University of Deusto

Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Deusto (Spain) and Director of the PhD program in Leisure, Culture and Communication for Human Development. She holds a PhD from Harvard University. Until 2002 she taught at Columbia University (New York, USA). She has published extensively on communication, film, culture, gender studies and Basque and Hispanic studies (over one hundred publications). She is the Principal Investigator of the research team on communication, recognized by the Basque Government. She is regularly invited to teach in North American universities such as Dartmouth College, University of Chicago and Columbia University. She is an evaluator of research projects at the European level (NORDFORSK).


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How to Cite

Ferrer, E., & Rodríguez Pérez, M. P. (2023). Representations of violence against women in the series ARTE H24. 24 hours in the life of a woman. Obra Digital, (23), 51–67.