Collective work of art and digital ethnography:

Identity and Perception on Instagram. Me, Myself & I project




Digital Art, Instagram, Digital Identity, Social Media, Digital Community


Me, Myself & I is a collective art project about Instagram. It was made between December 2020 and March 2021. The methodology was an open call, where each user of the platform sent the most representative post of themselves explaining in a text why they selected it over the rest. The 126 participations show the potential of the immaterial codes of social media when discerning other identities or self-exhibiting ourselves. By analyzing the personal image, we also worked on understanding the perception of a virtual community. The research was supported by the II ESTIBA Grants. 

Author Biography

Sofía Moreno-Domínguez, University of Deusto

Ph.D. candidate in the Leisure, Culture, and Communication for Human Development program (University of Deusto). Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Salamanca and completed a Master's degree in Leisure Management in Bilbao. In 2018 she was part of CONNECT, a trans-European program co-financed by the Erasmus Plus Programme and the University of Deusto to specialize in audience development. At the moment she is working as a cultural manager and she is one of the artists and researchers of Espacio Comün Rural Lab (Nalda, La Rioja) by PANAL and El Colletero Associations. SYLFF Award 2022-2023.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Domínguez, S. (2023). Collective work of art and digital ethnography: : Identity and Perception on Instagram. Me, Myself & I project. Obra Digital, (23), 99–114.