Democratic Characteristics in government simulation videogames


  • Carlos Moreno Azqueta Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)



videogames, democracy, government simulators


This paper analyses nine videogames centered on managing a political community by studying the democratic characteristics present in the relationship between the player and the virtual citizens. The political communities of the games are sometimes presented as homogeneous and structured around the leader. In other cases, they appear as plural and unsubmissive. The games show diverse mechanisms of informal citizen counterpower, but the conflict may be presented as political and legitimate, or as a productivity or crime problem. Finally, we note important deficits on the dimensions of deliberation and decision-making participation. Based on these, some alternative mechanics are proposed.

Author Biography

Carlos Moreno Azqueta, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

Predoctoral researcher in training, specialization in game studies.


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How to Cite

Moreno Azqueta, C. (2022). Democratic Characteristics in government simulation videogames. Obra Digital, (22), 49–65.