Scrubbing up on-line: How best practice hospital websites can drive medical tourism




health communication, medical tourism, public relations, health tourism, strategic communication


This study explores how health institutions (i.e. hospitals) communicate through their corporate websites to convey reliability and credibility in order to establish relationships with users in the field of medical travel. The 10 world’s leading medical tourism hospitals have been selected based on the International Medical Travel Quality Alliance (2019) ranking and their strategic online communication analyzed by applying framing theory. Methodologically, a content analysis was conducted of both websites and subsites which aimed specifically at medical tourists. We conclude that hospitals are in an embryonic phase in their communicative management model with their public in the field of medical tourism since they disregard the potential role of public relations. This article provides valuable and helpful information for both tourism and communication practitioners in medical tourism.

Author Biographies

Natàlia Ferrer-Roca, Universitat de Girona (Spain)

Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration, Management and Product Design at the University of Girona (UdG), Catalonia. She has a strong international background with a PhD in Media Studies from Victoria University of Wellington (New Zealand), MA in Communications Policy (Distinction) from Westminster University (London), and a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on the intersection between media and communication studies, tourism, and destination branding, with special focus on political economy.

Sílvia Espinosa-Mirabet, Universitat de Girona (Spain)

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Tourism of the Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Girona. With numerous indexed publications, she is a specialist in media history (radio) from a gender perspective. Her research also covers the fields of “Communication”, “Tourism, Health and Communication”, and “Teaching Innovation”, obtaining the first prize (2020) in this field at her university.

Andréa Oliveira, Universitat de Girona (Spain)

Andrea Oliveira is a Serra Hunter Fellow at the Faculty of Tourism, Girona University (UdG), Spain. She has participated in several research projects and the Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) accredited her as Senior Professor in Social and Juridical Sciences in recognition of her academic career. With several articles published in prestigious international journals, her research focuses on "Communication and Health", "Public Relations", "Crisis Communication” and “Social Media”.


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How to Cite

Ferrer-Roca, N., Espinosa-Mirabet, S., & Oliveira, A. (2022). Scrubbing up on-line: How best practice hospital websites can drive medical tourism. Obra Digital, (22), 145–160.