Digital competence of educators:

from praxis self-assessment to training needs




Digital competence, Teachers, DigCompEdu, Teacher training


Today's connected society demands digital competence from teachers in their pedagogical work. This study analyzes the digital competence required for teachers, based on the common self-assessment framework of digital competence of teachers (DigCompEdu). Using a quantitative approach, the DigCompEdu CheckIn self-assessment scale was applied to 145 Brazilian teachers in the first years of primary school. The teachers obtained a score of 40.9 points, classifying them as B1 - Integrative, revealing gaps in their professional and pedagogical competence, as well as in the development of the competence of the students. It is urgent that teacher training includes the pedagogical use of technologies as drivers of learning and the emancipation of students.

Author Biographies

Eniel do Espirito Santo, Federal University of Bahia’s Reconcavo (Brazil)

Doctor in Education. Professor at the Center for Culture, Languages and Applied Technologies (CECULT) of the Federal University of Bahia’s Reconcavo (UFRB), Brazil. Deputy Coordinator of the Brazilian Open University System at UFRB. Researcher with studies in Didactics and Pedagogical Innovation and Digital Technologies in Education. Evaluator of the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education.

Tatiana Polliana Pinto de Lima, Federal University of Bahia’s Reconcavo (Brazil)

Doctor in Education. Professor of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of Knowledge and Teaching Practices, Teacher Training and Pedagogical Innovation. Ado-hoc evaluator of the Brazilian National System for the Evaluation of Higher Education and the National Textbook Program, both from the Ministry of Education.

Adriano Dantas de Oliveira, Federal University of Bahia’s Reconcavo (Brazil)

Doctor in Philology and Portuguese Language. Professor and researcher in the lines of Didactics and Pedagogical Innovation and Rhetoric and Semiotics applied to singing.



How to Cite

Santo, E. do E., Lima, T. P. P. de, & Oliveira, A. D. de. (2021). Digital competence of educators:: from praxis self-assessment to training needs. Obra Digital, (21), 113–129.