Digital competence of higher education professors:

analysis of academic and institutional factors




Digital competence, higher education, DigCompEdu


This article aims to analyse the differences associated with the variables of teaching and institutional nature in the level of proficiency of teachers in digital competences, using the DigCompEdu framework as theoretical reference. A quantitative approach was used and the data collection strategy was based on an online survey. The sample was composed of 846 Portuguese higher education professors linked to 37 universities and 76 polytechnic institutes. The results indicate that characteristics such as working at PhD program level, teaching online and being linked to polytechnic institutes are associated with higher levels of digital competence.

Author Biographies

Cassio Santos, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Master in Education and Digital Technologies and PhD student in ICTs (Information Technology and Communication) in Education, both at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. Teacher and research assistant in the same institute. Online tutor on the courses of Research Methodology and E-learning and Distance Education of the Master’s program in Education and Digital Technology. Member of the GPTED (Educational Technologies Research Group).

Neuza Pedro, University of Lisbon (Portugal)

Professor in the area of ICTs in Education and teacher in the Initial and Continuous Training program. PhD in ICTs in Education. Member of the Portuguese Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Continuous Teachers’ training (CCPFC) of the Ministry of education. Coordinator of the master’s degree in education and digital technologies and of the Masters’ degree in Teaching Informatics. External Evaluator of the European Research Executive Agency and the Portuguese Agency of Assessment and Accreditation of higher Education. Research areas: teacher training, educational technologies, and Innovative Learning environments.

João Mattar, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP And Universidade Santo Amaro – UNISA

Professor and Researcher in the areas of Educational Technology, Distance Education, and Research Methods. Director of International Affairs of the Brazilian Association of Distance Education (ABED). Vice-President of the Brazilian Association of Educational Technology (ABT). Master’s Degree in Educational Technology (Boise State University), PhD in Literature (University of São Paulo), and post-doc researcher at Stanford University.




How to Cite

Santos, C., Pedro, N., & Mattar, J. (2021). Digital competence of higher education professors:: analysis of academic and institutional factors. Obra Digital, (21), 69–92.