The structure of social networks in IBEX 35 companies




social networks, blogs, ibex 35, interactivity, conversation, capitalization


This research has developed a complete map of the structure of social networks accepted by the companies in the IBEX 35 index. From an exploratory perspective, the way in which these companies include social networks in their communication policy was investigated from their presentation on official web pages to the possible correlation between economic size and channel selection. The main conclusion indicates that the marketing function is predominant for these companies and that the economic size has a positive correlation with the selection of more informative social networks to the detriment of the most conversational ones.

Author Biography

Francisco Leslie López del Castillo Wilderbeek, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain)

He has a Master's Degree in Information Society from the Open University of Catalonia and a PhD in Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University. He is a member of the MEDIUM research team at the same institution. He is a Documentation Expert at REBOLD, specialized in the analysis of communication through data. His academic production is focused on the analysis of communication actions with special methodological interest in the use of data visualization.


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How to Cite

López del Castillo Wilderbeek, F. L. (2021). The structure of social networks in IBEX 35 companies. Obra Digital, (20).