Participatory learning contexts in a secondary school

: from presential education to virtuality




School participation, Democracy, Students’ voices, Inclusive education, Virtual education


The article aims to conceptualize the participation of secondary school students and to highlight which elements may condition such participation and how they should be reconsidered in a non-attendance learning model. This article is part of a Doctoral Thesis that analyses, from a collaborative approach, the participation of young people for the purpose of implementing more democratic, inclusive and participatory educational practices. The results confirm the benefits of placing students as co-responsible agents in participatory learning contexts and the challenges that the centre must face to promote the active participation of secondary school students.

Author Biography

Laura Farré-Riera, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña (Spain)

Laura Farré-Riera is a researcher in the Educational Research Group of the University of Vic - UCC and a doctoral student in the Educational Innovation and Intervention program. She is currently in the final phase of carrying out her Doctoral Thesis focused on the recognition of the voices of secondary school students to encourage their participation and reflect on the teaching and learning processes. Her lines of research are based on inclusive education, the voices of the students and their participation in the school context.



How to Cite

Farré-Riera, L. (2020). Participatory learning contexts in a secondary school: : from presential education to virtuality. Obra Digital, (19), 133–148.