Digital Educational Games

Tension in the Production Process




Digital games, Game development, Digital educa-tional games, Digital educational games


In 2018, the Gamer Census conducted in Brazil recorded that the production of digital educational games surpassed entertainment games, showing a growing interest in the production of this type of learning-oriented games. This research has an exploratory character and seeks to discuss which elements should be contemplated in digital educational games, as well as their levels of importance. The results of this research revealed the dichotomy between developers, teachers and players of what should be a digital educational game and what features should be prioritized.

Author Biographies

William de Souza Santos, Federal Institute of Paraíba (Brazil)

Postdoctor - Postgraduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences
- UFBa. Doctor and Master in Computational Modeling of Cognitive Systems - Senai /
Cimatec. Specialist in Education, Communication and Technologies in Digital Interfaces.
Specialist in Mathematics Teaching Methodology. He has a degree in Mathematics. Creator
of the Virtual Mathematics Reinforcement website. www.reforcovirtualdematematica. Pedagogical Consultant in the Mathematics Area in the creation of digital
games. His area of interest is Mathematics Education and Technologies.

Lynn Rosalina Gama Alves, Federal University of Bahia (Brazil)

Fellow of Productivity Technological Development and Innovative Extension of CNPq - Level
2, she has a degree in Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education of Bahia (1985), Master
degree (1998) and Doctorate (2004) in Education from the Federal University of Bahia.
Her postdoctoral fellow was in the area of electronic games and learning at the Università
degli Studi di Torino in Italy. She is currently a professor and researcher at the Institute of
Humanities, Arts and Science - IHAC - UFBA. She has experience in the area of Education
and Digital Games. She has conducted research on the digital universe and its interfaces,
especially on the following topics: electronic games, interactivity, mobility and education. She
has also investigated the television serial narratives. Coordinator of research and development
in digital games projects such as: Triad (FINEP / FAPESB / UNEB), Buzios: Echoes of
Freedom (FAPESB), Forest Guardians (CNPq, FAPESB, Proforte), Brazil 2014: Towards Hexa
(SEC- Ba), Insitu (SEC-Ba), Industriali (SEC-Ba), Games studies (FAPESB), DOM (SEC-Ba), Janus
(SEC-Ba) and Gamebook (CAPES / FAPESB). For eleven years, she has been organizing and
coordinating the Seminar on Electronic Games, Education and Communication - building new
trails. Research group productions are available at the URL:



How to Cite

Santos, W. de S., & Alves, L. R. G. (2020). Digital Educational Games: Tension in the Production Process. Obra Digital, (18), 13–24.

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