The use of mobile devices in Cataloniaand theDigital divide




Mobile phones, Generational digital divide, Qualitative study, Catalonia


Mobile phones are versatile devices, currently being used in all sectors of human activity/society. The so-called digital divide, usually referred to in the context of ICTs use and access, is also an issue when mobile phone users of all ages and generations are considered, and the use they make of these devices. The 'Grup de Recerca Interaccions Digitals' of the University of Vic (GRID) has recently addressed the impact of this phenomena, and the changes they bring, on Catalan society. This paper collects the thoughts and opinions of a sample of users that were surveyed on mobile phones use and how this demonstrates the digital divide that currently exists in Catalonia.

Author Biography

Eulàlia Massana Molera, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Cataluña (Spain)

Teacher and member of the GRID. Universitat de Vic (UVic), Vic, Spain.


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How to Cite

Massana Molera, E. (2012). The use of mobile devices in Cataloniaand theDigital divide. Obra Digital, (2), 46–56.

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