Twitter as an instrument of participation and deliberation. An approach to its use from the perspective of cyber-democracy:

The case of Rafael Correa




Cyber-democracy, Social networks, Twitter, Political communication, Rafael Correa


The management of social networks in political communication is incomplete if is limited to inform and increase followers. This article analyzes the use of social networks in the field of political communication as spaces for democratic participation and deliberation, which is what we call "cyber-democracy". It begins with the description of this concept followed by its application in the analysis of the Twitter account of Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa (@mashirafael) in order to determine its potential on information and promotion of deliberation and participation. It is concluded that despite being one of the accounts with higher interaction is still limited its use in promoting participation and deliberation, which are key elements of the "cyber-democracy."

Author Biographies

Caroline Avila, Doctora, Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)

Professor and researcher in the Universidad del Azuay. PhD in Communication from the Pontificia Universidad de Chile.

María Belén Valdez, Magister, Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)

Master in Communication by the Universidad de Salamanca. Public Relations Officer and Professor in the Universidad del Azuay.

Ximena Guerrero, Máster, Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)

Master in Institutional and Political Communication for the Universidad de Sevilla. Researcher in the Universidad del Azuay.



How to Cite

Avila, C., Valdez, M. B., & Guerrero, X. (2019). Twitter as an instrument of participation and deliberation. An approach to its use from the perspective of cyber-democracy:: The case of Rafael Correa. Obra Digital, (17), 51–62.