The mobile phone: from the beginning to the present day




Mobile communication, 3G, Smartphone, M-learning, M-commerce


Special    characteristics    of    mobile    phone:    ubiquity,    immediacy    and customization, and some social and economic factors has provoke that the new media   penetrate   quick   in   the   society.   The   mobile   phone   has   different forerunners which have facilitated its origin, like; the telegraph, the radio, the land phone and the beeper. The society has received the mobile phone and has made  it  a  personal  and  untransferable  tool.  The  massive  current  presence  of mobile  phones  in  the  society  has  incite  the  beginning  of  different  neologisms like;  m-government,  m-learning,  m-commerce,  m-gammes,  etc.  Moreover different  social  and  cultural  rules,  as  well  as,  different  communications  forms have been introduced in the society, in a professional and personal level.

Author Biography

Miriam Molina Garcia, Universitat de Vic / Lear Corporation (Spain)

PhD student, University of Vic (UVic), Vic, Spain.


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How to Cite

Molina Garcia, M. (2012). The mobile phone: from the beginning to the present day. Obra Digital, (2), 32–45.