The literary influencer through YouTube: analysis of its communication strategy




BookTubers, Young, Influencers, Reading, Social networking


A new literary prescriptor has recently emerged in the digital environment, the BookTuber. The objective is focus on the content strategy of this new figure. Through the identification of the 10 most relevant booktubers in Spain, we analyze the organizational structure of the information, the contents that get more visits and interaction. The results show that a structure of content can be identified that follow a similar pattern in the cases studied, and identifies what contents are being more relevant, being able to establish a first conceptual framework on content and communication strategies to follow In social networks that impact on a young target audience where, it is possible to foment the taste for the reading activity in front of other forms of leisure.

Author Biographies

Marilé Pretel Jiménez, Universidad CEU San Pablo (Spain)

Universidad CEU San Pablo. Faculty of Communication Sciences and Humanities. PhD in Information Sciences. Professor of Brand Management. Vice Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Humanities, Universidad CEU San Pablo. 

Belinda de Frutos, Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)

University of Valladolid. Faculty of Social, Legal and Communication Sciences. PhD in Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She developed her doctorate in the Department of Social Psychology and Methodology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Skidmore University College (USA). Hired Professor Doctor at the Universidad de Valladolid, in Advertising and Public Relations. She worked in the Universidad CEU San Pablo and in the IE University. She has developed her professional activity in market research and opinion. 

María Sánchez-Valle, Universidad CEU San Pablo (Spain)

Faculty of Communication Sciences and Humanities. PhD in Information Sciences from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Adjunct Professor in Advertising and Public Relations at the Universidad CEU San Pablo, and Director of the Master in Public Relations and Organization of Events. She is a member of two research projects that study communication aimed at vulnerable public. 



How to Cite

Pretel Jiménez, M., de Frutos, B., & Sánchez-Valle, M. (2019). The literary influencer through YouTube: analysis of its communication strategy. Obra Digital, (17), 9–18.