Brand awareness and brand credibility as antecedents for brand attachment.




Awareness, Credibility, Identification, Brand, Purchase intention


Brands invest a lot to promote themselves and generate credibility in their consumers so that they feel attached to them, since the attachment influences the purchase intention. This study aims to determine if brand awareness is sufficient, or credibility is needed to generate attachment to brands. For this, a causal investigation was carried out with confirmatory factor analysis and a model with structural equations. The results indicate that brand awareness influences the formation of attachment in very few scenarios, while credibility has a greater influence as an antecedent of attachment to the brand.

Author Biographies

Cecilia Ugalde, Universidad del Azuay (Ecuador)

PhD in Marketing from the University of Valencia, Spain; Master in Advertising and Public Relations from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Teacher and researcher at the Universidad del Azuay. Main lines of research: media competition, the use of social networks, brand and consumer behavior.

Natalia Vila López, Universitat de València (Spain)

Professor of Marketing and Market Research, has 3 research six-year terms (1997-2002; 2003-2008 and 2009-3014) officially recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, backed by more than 100 articles (mostly international) and 4 five-year terms. teachers (2003-2005-2010-2015) granted by the University of Valencia, obtained with regular teaching at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate levels. Her topics of interest are those related to marketing strategy, brand positioning, product packaging and internationalization of the strategy, among others.

Inés Küster Boluda, Universitat de València (Spain)

Professor of Marketing at the University of Valencia, professor and researcher at that university. Various academic positions (e.g. director of the doctoral program in marketing at the UV or co-director of the MBA Junior EDEM). Author of books, book chapters, articles and papers in the research lines: strategic marketing, sales, marketing and education, tourism, among others.

Elísabet Mora, Universitat de València (Spain)

Researcher in pre-doctoral training of the VALi + d program of the Generalitat Valenciana, ACIF / 2015. Main lines of research: cause marketing, viral marketing, creativity and emotions.



How to Cite

Ugalde, C., Vila López, N., Küster Boluda, I., & Mora, E. (2019). Brand awareness and brand credibility as antecedents for brand attachment. Obra Digital, (16), 63–76.