Citizen Public Relations.

Actors, speeches and identity construction of movements against evictions in Spain




Evictions, construction of the speech, social movements, citizen public relations



The economic crisis in Spain has led to an increase in the flow of political communication between public institutions, the media and political actors. The context of this study focuses on the years 2011-2013, period in which Spain was immersed in a crisis scenario. In this scenario, it is inquired about who were the actors and the speeches that participated in the process of construction of Public Opinion regarding the evictions in Spain. And in what way did the actors manifest themselves symbolically in the public political space. From the critical analysis of the speech made on 1002 units of analysis during the period 2011-2013 in Spain, it can be said that the hegemonic interpretation for the construction of public opinion and the influence on it, given by the political discourse of the press, was guided to a greater extent by the construction of the identity of those affected as a result of a circumstantial situation in which they were deceived, of the indignant from a negative stance that condemns their action strategies and banking as a political actor that is constructed similarly in the newspapers analyzed: as the representative of economic and financial stability, and not as one of the main architects of the economic and housing crisis that Spain was experiencing.


Author Biographies

Andrea Leticia Quintana Pujalte, University of Malaga (Spain)

PhD student in the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Communication, from the Universities of Seville, Malaga, Huelva and Cádiz.

Antonio Castillo Esparcia, University of Malaga (Spain)

Professor at the University of Malaga. Director of the Master in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication given at the Universities of Malaga and Cádiz.

Mª Carmen Carretón Ballester, Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

Full Professor of the University of Public Relations Planning. Her lines of work focus on research in public relations, relations with minorities and social responsibility in the social and health fields.


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How to Cite

Quintana Pujalte, A. L., Castillo Esparcia, A., & Carretón Ballester, M. C. (2018). Citizen Public Relations.: Actors, speeches and identity construction of movements against evictions in Spain. Obra Digital, (15), 83–97.