Web communication and economic analysis in the transport sector. The case of BUSMET





Transport of travellers, Economic-financial performance, Transparency web, Communication, CSR



We carried out an analysis of the current situation of bus passenger transport in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, through the study of economic and financial BUSMET data for the 2008-2016 period, and the current degree of web transparency. The results indicate the viability of the constituent companies as shown by satisfactory economic and financial indicators in the 2008-2016 period, together with sufficient web transparency in general, though there is room for improvement in communication of CSR initiatives.


Author Biographies

Núria Arimany Serrat, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Catalunya (Spain)

PhD in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Full professor at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia (Uvic-UCC) with a teaching career in Accounting and Finance. She currently coordinates a research group on entrepreneurship and innovation (Uvic-UCC), recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Spain).

Clara De Uribe Salazar, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Catalunya (Spain)

PhD in Advertising and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master in Community Management and Social Media Management, from the University of Alicante. She currently teaches at the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, at the Higher School of Public Relations (UB) and in Online Education (UOC).

Anna Sabata Aliberch, Universidad de Vic- Universidad Central de Catalunya (Spain)

PhD from the University of Barcelona (UB). Professor of Cost and Business Accounting in the Department of Economics and Business of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia. Member of the “Empren” Research group (Uvic- UCC). Author of communications at various conferences related to Cost Accounting in the Primary Sector and Corporate Social Responsibility.


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How to Cite

Serrat, N. A., De Uribe Salazar, C., & Aliberch, A. S. (2018). Web communication and economic analysis in the transport sector. The case of BUSMET. Obra Digital, (15), 133–151. https://doi.org/10.25029/od.2018.187.15

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