Analysis of Spanish master’s degrees in public relations and corporate communication academic year 2016-2017 from a public relations perspective




Corporate communication, European Higher Education Area, Spain, master’s degree, public relations, syllabus


New master’s degrees have been launched in Spain in the 2016-2017 academic year, complementing existing programmes that passed the review process of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA). Through a non-probability sampling of master’s degrees at the ANECA website and subsequent content analysis, we have examined the extent of new master’s degrees in public relations and corporate communication in 2016-2017, subjects included specialising in public relations, and if those subjects were linked to the entry level of the Global Body of Knowledge of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management.

Author Biographies

Joan Cuenca-Fontbona, Universitat Ramon Llull (España)

PhD in Communication. Associate Research Professor in the Department of Advertising and Public Relations of the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Ramon Llull University.

Marc Compte-Pujol, Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya (Spain)

Associate professor in the Department of Communication of the Faculty of Business and Communication.

Kathy Matilla, Universitat Ramon Llull (Spain)

Professor-researcher of the Degree in Advertising, Public Relations and Marketing at the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication and International Relations.

Salvador Hernández Martínez, Universidad Católica S. Antonio de Murcia (Spain)

Professor of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication. Director of the Higher School of Protocol and Institutional Relations.


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How to Cite

Cuenca-Fontbona, J., Compte-Pujol, M., Matilla, K., & Hernández Martínez, S. (2017). Analysis of Spanish master’s degrees in public relations and corporate communication academic year 2016-2017 from a public relations perspective. Obra Digital, (13), 37–57.