Public relations and fundraising as a management strategy for the private collections of the University of Oxford




Strategic communications and public relations, fundraising, heritage mangement, stakeholders, Brexit



Our research focuses on the quality of interaction between science, art and conservation from a fundraising perspective, as exemplified in the economic and curation strategies used for the special collections of the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford. Fundraising and public relations communication strategies focus on financial resources from public and private entities, enterprises and private individuals. To encourage altruism, patronage, social corporate responsibility and sponsorship, private stakeholders are an alternative source of funding, reducing dependence on national and European grants, of particular concern in the context of Brexit.


Author Biographies

Rocio Torres-Mancera, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

Entrepreneur and Master in Business Administration and Management from IE Instituto de Empresa, Master in Business Communication and Advertising from ESIC, HR Management and Direction.

Carlos De las Heras-Pedrosa, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

He has been Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations, Director of the Rector's Office and Assistant Director-General for Communication. Currently co-director of the Master in Strategic Management and Innovation in Communication.


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How to Cite

Torres-Mancera, R., & De las Heras-Pedrosa, C. (2018). Public relations and fundraising as a management strategy for the private collections of the University of Oxford. Obra Digital, (15), 99–116.