Health in the Portuguese media

An opportunity for public relations?




Public relations, communication and health, Portugal, agenda setting, media


The development of health literacy is crucial to promoting radical changes in how people perceive and manage health issues. The media have a strategic role for progress in this regard. The aim of predomithis article is to discover the extent to which health literacy promotion takes part in agenda setting in Portugal. A total of 947 news items were analysed. The results show that information on promotion of health literacy is not yet on the Portuguese agenda; and that subjects relating to public health and the fight against disease are those with greatest media coverage in Portugal.

Author Biography

Andrea Oliveira, Universitat de Girona (Spain)

Andrea Oliveira has a PhD in Communication from the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). She teaches communication strategies at the degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Gerona (UdG) and at the Faculty of Communication at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV). She has published several articles in academic journals. Her main lines of research focus on "Communication and Health", "Health Literacy" and "Strategic Communication", "Public Relations", "Relations with the public and stakeholders".


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. (2017). Health in the Portuguese media: An opportunity for public relations?. Obra Digital, (13), 119–132.