Collaborative cinema, between discourses, experimentation and control:

participatory methodologies in fiction and non-fiction




collaborative cinema, participation, community, documentary, fiction, non-fiction


Factual narratives are based on an assumed referential veracity in regard to their stories. Within this vast field of reality, we describe three specific forms of expression: audiovisual, interactive and
transmedia. Over recent years, each of these forms of expression has developed its own strategies and mechanisms to encourage collaboration, participation and involvement of audiences. Whether
through advertising, community programs, participative projects or platforms that empower users, the possibilities of these factual projects seem to go on and on, being reinvented in each new form
of expression. In this paper, we analyze how these three forms have influenced the field of non-fiction, on the basis of a selection of key genres and formats such as documentaries, journalism, museums and essays.

Author Biography

Antoni Roig Telo, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain)

Associate professor in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Doctor in Information and Knowledge Society, with a doctoral thesis on participatory cultural practices in digital cinema. His main research interests include emerging forms of audiovisual production, crowdsourcing, fan production, media practices, collaborative audiovisual production in fiction and non-fiction, transmedia strategies, storytelling applied to collective creation, self-production and digital cinema.


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How to Cite

Roig Telo, A. (2017). Collaborative cinema, between discourses, experimentation and control:: participatory methodologies in fiction and non-fiction. Obra Digital, (12), 13–25.