About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Obra Digital (OD) E-ISSN 2014-5039, Journal of Communication, Media Studies and Social Processes, is an international journal of communication and related areas, and open access journal with an anonymous peer review system inspired by the ethical code of publications prepared by the Committee on Publication Ethics.

Specialized in communication, it publishes research in different areas that include, but are not limited to: ICT, audiences, new languages, digital communication, applied communications, public relations, organizational communication, political communication, communication and education, design, marketing and advertising, social networks and video games. Its monographs are specialized on current issues.

The objective of Obra Digital is to disseminate in the international scientific community the results of rigorous research that allow the development of science and serve as a source of consultation for scientists, students and professionals.

Publishes its original articles in Spanish and English, and the abstracts and keywords of all its articles in Spanish and English. Since September 2019, all articles whose original language is Spanish are also published in English.

Articles, authors and topics have a decidedly international outlook.

The journal appears in international databases, journal impact assessment platforms, selective directories, specialized portals and hemerographic catalogues.

Rigorous and transparent blind system of manuscript evaluation, International Scientific Council and a public network of reviewers from 16 countries from all over the world.

Professional management of manuscripts is undertaken via the OJS 3 platform, with ethical commitments that ensure transparency and timeliness, antiplagiarism (CrossCheck and Urkund).

Visualization level powered by search engines, DOIs, ORCID, dynamic pdfs. With connections to social networks.

Digital edition, offers full text, open access for the entire scientific community and researchers around the world.

Edited by University of Vic and University of Azuay, which collaborate with multiple institutions and international universities.

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Committee undertakes an initial review of articles received in order to assess their compliance with the journal's minimum quality standards and its profile. The author and external reviewers remain anonymous during the review process. Once the text has been found to meet the requirements, it is sent for blind peer review in accordance with the "Guidelines for reviewers". Publication is subject to approval by at least two ad hoc reviewers. When required, authors may resubmit their article, in order to meet the requirements specified by the external reviewers. If the evaluations are contradictory (negative and positive) it is submitted to a third external evaluation. Maximum of 120 days from the beginning of the process of scientific review by experts. Holiday dates are not included in this time.

Publication Frequency

The journal Obra Digital is published twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to all content on the principle that scientific knowledge is free and in the public domain.

Articles and submissions processing charges (APC)

Obra Digital does not charge authors fees for submitting or publishing papers, color figures, for each page of the article, or for the translation into English if that is not the original language of the article.

Publication Ethics

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is a very crucial task in disseminating knowledge and contributes for the scientific development. As a peer-reviewed journal, the rigor of scientific publication is expected to be observed in the course of evaluating papers that are submitted. Therefore, ethical code and behaviour  is expected for all parties involved during the publishing process: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer and the publisher. Obra Digital adheres to international norms and codes of ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors,  COPE ). It also subscribes to an ethical commitment of all the actors involved in the management and publication of the articles: Editorial Board, Authors and Evaluators of the manuscripts received. Ethical code PDF (English) 

Plagiarism and originality

Authors or contributors are required to properly cite and quote sources of literature that they used in their research articles. Plagiarism may be manifested in variety of ways such as using another’s paper as the author’s own paper, intentional or unintentional copying or paraphrasing parts of another’s paper without citation, claiming results from research conducted by others. In order to minimize the reception and mainly the publication of plagiarized papers, Obra Digital is going to check the papers received (using CrossCheck and Urkund).


University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia, University of Azuay.

Journal History

Obra digital (OD), was created in 2011 with the support of the Department of Communication of the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia. Originally the journal used the Catalan language, however, from N3, in 2012, the base language of the journal changed to Spanish. It is currently co-edited with the support of the Universidad del Azuay.

OD publishes original articles and accepts the submission of papers that deal with the thematic axes of the journal, which will be subject to blind evaluation by two experts proposed by the Editorial Board. It is also possible to find conference papers, seminars or research papers.

OD is interested in Communication Research and related areas, not only from a theoretical and practical perspective of digital communication, but also in trends, new developments, communication and education, design, audiovisuals, marketing and digital advertising, mobile communication and video games.

ISSN (online) 2014-5039