The theory of networks as an aid to content analysis:

new perspectives for semantic networks analysis




Network theory, content analysis, semantic networks, education, dissemination of knowledge


This article uses Network Theory to support and enhance analysis and inference of knowledge produced by Content Analysis (CA). We use oral discourses of a scientific community on a specific topic. From those discourses, semantic networks (SN) were built, taking clicks into account. We analyse the SN on the basis of centrality properties. Our results show correlations among degree and betweenness centralities, and frequencies of CA cores of meaning, and they add information about oral discourses from the connections between words. We hope to improve CA by incorporating Network Theory techniques, specifically SN models.


Author Biographies

Renata Souza Freitas Dantas Barreto, SENAI CIMATEC- Computational Modeling Program (Brazil)

PhD student in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology (PPGMCTI) SENAI-CIMATEC (2018-current). Master in Computational Modeling and Industrial Technology (PPGMCTI) SENAI-CIMATEC (2016-2018). Pedagogy graduate from the State University.

Maria Teresinha Tamanini, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (Brazil)

Graduated in Computer Science from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1995), Specialization in Computer Networks from Universidade Salvador (2003), Master in Computer Networks from Universidade Salvador (2005) and Doctorate in Dissemination of Knowledge from UFBA (2013) . She is Full Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia. Has experience in Computer Sciences, with emphasis on Web Technologies, Education and Technologies, Knowledge Management, Process Modeling and Ontologies. He is currently studying Network Theory (analysis of social networks and complex networks), the dissemination of knowledge and collaboration in scientific communities.

Cleônidas Tavares Junior, SENAI CIMATEC- Computational Modeling Program (Brazil)

Graduation in Letters - Linguistics at the University of São Paulo (2004), Graduation in Information Systems at Universidade Anhanguera (2015), Post-graduation in MBA in Software Quality Management (2008), Master in Computational Modeling of Cognitive Systems (2018) and is currently a PhD student at SENAI CIMATEC FIEB - in Computational Modeling of Cognitive Systems.

Patrícia Nicolau Magris, SENAI CIMATEC- Computational Modeling Program (Brazil)

Graduation - Degree in Pedagogy from the Federal University of Bahia (1997) and Master in Education (emphasis on Education, Communication, Technology and Architecture) from the Federal University of Bahia (2004). Specialist in the area of Special Education (emphasis on Assistive Technologies as a perspective of Accessibility for Inclusion of People with Disabilities (PwD). Specialist in the area of Computerized Management of Water Resources (emphasis on Education and Technology for Environmental Communication) from the Federal University of Bahia ( 2000) Consultant in the area of projects, management, planning, training and monitoring in Assistive Technology, WEB / AVA Accessibility, ICTs, EaD, Free Pedagogical Robotics, Accessibility and Inclusion (among others). She is currently a researcher at the State University of Bahia and the Federal University of Bahia, assistant professor at the State University of Bahia - Campus I - Salvador / Ba.

Marcelo Cunha, SENAI CIMATEC- Computational Modeling Program (Brazil)

Physics teacher. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia.

José Lamartine de Andrade Lima Neto, IFBA - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (Brazil)

PhD in Diffusion of Knowledge - DMMDC / UFBA (2016), Bachelor in Psychology with a specialty in Chemical Dependency. From 1982 to 2019 he was a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (Brazil) - IFBA - working in the areas of Professional Technical Education. Currently develops research activities in Chemical and Behavioral Dependencies, based on Cognitive Psychology, Network Theory, Complexity and Systemic Theory using Computational Modeling techniques. He is a member of the Study and Research Group on Innovation in Organizations - GEPIO / IFBA.


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How to Cite

Barreto, R. S. F. D., Tamanini, M. T., Tavares Junior, C., Magris, P. N., Cunha, M., & Lima Neto, J. L. de A. (2018). The theory of networks as an aid to content analysis:: new perspectives for semantic networks analysis. Obra Digital, (14), 34–49.

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